Attn: Regular Forum Posters

most forum communities usually have immense drama in them, like the discords / twitter groups

It was the AI deciding to ignore the braids and dwarf in the prompt, but I still liked how it came out.

I loved this one except it decided dwarf meant pointy-eared gnome.


Yeah, doesnā€™t look much like a dwarf at all, but is absolutely adorable nonetheless.



If Majoras Mask could possess someone

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Canā€™t go wrong with chocolate chip! :yum:

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Okay, offcial discrimination post report for regulars that donā€™t spew their mouth every 10 minutes! Lol
Ummm, that said, first exception request for 6710 posts?


Trying to figure out if that elf with the pony tail in the corner is supposed to be a night elf or a blood elf.

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Wasnā€™t it George Carlin who said humans are amazing individually, a true representation of the wonders of the Cosmosā€¦ but put them all together and theyā€™re a gaggle of idiots? Lessee if I can find that clip. Yessss, here it is with Conan Oā€™Brien: We gotta get back to ferrets!


No and youā€™d call it the echo-chamber or the vocally loud minority

Plus, youā€™ll just end up with a flock of people vying for attention and doing the annoying one-ups-manship thing.

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Yeah, thatā€™s when I went Andy,

Ɛiscord. Gotta take the good with the bad cuz itā€™s always mostly good apples - donā€™t let the sour ones throw you


waggles in stealth

Fight the power!

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Thatā€™s supposed to be a night elf, specifically Briselody, and my earlier prompts were more character descriptive and at least the skin colors were closer (well, sometimesā€¦).

However, as I tried to pressure it more towards the background being more like a van de Velde painting, I had to start dropping descriptors to fit in the prompt length. :dracthyr_shrug:

And, since Iā€™m going through some of the earlier ones, hereā€™s one (out of a few) of my Kul Tiran monk I made at lunch using the biker transmog she always wears and every so often I switch to on Pharaā€™ and a few other characters:


I never expected to get as many as I have now, but I donā€™t see myself getting to 10k anytime soon :rofl:

LizBeth the first, Queen Of Azeroth. Her gang is the Fel Worgens

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Where the hell have you been?

Slap in the face
T squad
Political discourse
Human male paladins
General discussion

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Moobā€™s Misfits

Make it so

*I also need more postsā€¦



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How does one even use Ai for art? Iā€™ve never looked into it

Got banned for a month lol