Attention hunters this is for you

I thought they were some kind of rodent. Like big squirrels or something.

I just came to think of it. Forsaken hunters should have a natural ability to tame some undead pets and some more with beast mastery. Basically, those shouldn’t count as “exotic” to the same extent.

I think undead got undead taming by default yeah like how goblin and gnome get mechanical taming by default I think. Does this mean dracthyr when they get hunters can tame dragons by default?

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I hope it does. There are draconic animals on the Dragon Isles. Actually, they make up a large part of the fauna.

/run for k,v in pairs({['Blood Beasts']=54753,['Undead']=62255,['Cloud Serpents']=62254,['Gargon']=61160})do print(format('%s: %s', k, C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and '\124cff00ff00Yes\124r' or '\124cffff0000No\124r')) end

No point in making people go find it.

No you don’t. Don’t say that too loud or you’ll summon him.

No no, I definitely miss his posts. They were at least good for a laugh.

Been trying this and I am pretty sure T’zala is not tameable. As soon as he spawns dazar mounts him unable to be tamed.

I do have UD taming, I have a undead Devilsaur as my primary pet so that isn’t the issue. I"m willing to eat those words if I’m missing something here.

Why is it always a Youtube video and not a simple list? Now, I have to try and track down a list.

Yeah, not yet. I tried it the other week and it said he wasnt tameable. Tried in BM just to be sure. And I have the undead tome learned. Have other bone dinos in my stable

Wonder how they will do it, because he immediately mounts him, it’ll have to be a complete mechanics change. Unless you can tame him while mounted and he’s treated as dead.

My BM troll hunter is going Dark Ranger and was going for an undead dino theme.

The undead is alliance only. He starts the encounter undead. This takes place after the Horde’s version of the fight. So you would only get the live monkey.

For those curious, seems like it may not make it until TWW launches. Source (Petopia)