Atrocious , game breaking lag in stormsong valle (duskwood realm)

The kind of lag where you try to do a spell and it takes 5+ seconds to actually fire off. Where your character kneels for 10+ seconds to loot. I used my flight master whistle and the taxi arrived but hovered in place for about a mnute before despawning and my cooldown was wasted.

Some emissary quests are broken as a result. In ‘The cycle of life’ I could move the crab around (very laggily) but no turtles were spawning.

This isn’t just me, everyone in general chat is griping about it, and it’s gone on for hours.

Why isn’t this being fixed?

Agreed, The game is basically unplayable in Stormsong Valley. Don’t even waste your time doing quests here until they get off their asses and fix the problem. And before you tell me it’s my machine, connection, etc…/ chat in Stromsong is absolutely full of people talking about nothing else.

Same for me in Stormsong Valley. I am on the Bloodhoof server.

We tried playing there last night, but it was so bad we left after 10 minutes of screwing around and cussing about it. Went to Drustvar and no issues. The lag is very much like the crap that has been going on for YEARS in the Worgen start zone. Bliz needed to do something about this mess. It’s not like people haven’t been complaining about it.

BTW… IF a support member responds to this post, DO NOT post the normal “go to our latency troubleshooting link… blah, blah, blah” BS. This is NOT a latency issue on OUR side. This is an issue with your equipment or setup. Latency is 30ms and the game works FINE in other zones. READ what the CUSTOMERS are posting and don’t just post your standardized crap.

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Yeah, same on Moon Guard again on peak times …its rideiculous, most of this problem come with CRZ and news engines to wow , LAME !

This is REALLY bad right now on US-Garona, it feels like I have 2000ms but I only show 55/56ms.

Closing this thread. If you’re currently having issues with realm lag, please post in the thread here with the requested info.