[A]<Templars of Blood> Wed/Mon 9-11:30pm 10/12M

LF a Tank and RDPS for the Raiding Team.

LF Monk and RDPS to join the raiding team!

Have added on bnet am keen for a chat

LF RDPS to join the raid team!

LF geared/experienced Raiders to join the team!

LF more raiders to join the raid team and start Mythic Ny’Alotha!

LF geared/experienced Raiders to join the team!

LF more raiders to join the raid team and start Mythic Ny’Alotha!

LF geared/experienced Raiders to join the team!

LF RDPS to join the raid team!

Know your looking for ranged.

I am looking for a raid team. Just came back from a break, decided to roll alliance for this raid and shadowlands.

Looking for a long term home on new faction and server.

4 days played on this toon. Made good progress so far

If your looking for one more melee let me know.

If you have any questions hit me up.

Hi Cãligula thanks for the interest in our guild, feel free to add me on battle net for a chat Hydrax#1831

Done, mate, look forward to chatting, thanks for the prompt reply as well. (the request will be from Occy, which is me)

Bump still looking for DPS for mythic

LF geared/experienced Raiders to join the team! High Priority on RDPS!

LF geared/experienced Raiders to join the team!

Bump still looking for more RDPS

LF geared/experienced Raiders to join the team!

LF ranged dps to join the mythic raiding team!

LF geared/experienced Raiders to join the team!