At least alliance tries to protect civilian casualties

ehh, attacking a funeral is perhaps one of the scummiest things you can do. I mean, look how much crap the US got for dropping nukes to “end the war”

From a purely robotic point of view, yea what you say makes sense, but that opens up pretty much any tactic as viable to end a war.

i would assume that he was referring to the funeral.

during the funeral it seem like it would be a perfect time to strike.
because some leaders would reunited.
but bear in mind that there is also a lot of civilians paying their respects in that moment.

So yeah, maybe bombing them in hopes for killing them would kill some military commanders (like theramore) but there would be heavy civilian casualities.

and nothing assures you that the main target, sylvanas, escapes when she probably doesn’t even care about them.
or maybe thats my headcanon.

Which is scummier? Attacking a funeral and ending the war there, or prolonging it and getting more people killed overtime?

The right thing isn’t always the overly and stupidly kind thing. Not to mention I doubt the plan would’ve been to cleave through mourning civies - just subjugate the city to prevent their further contribution.

He could have imprisoned Zul and kept Talanji as a guest, maybe? It just seemed out of character for him, he doesn’t seem like the type to go jailing princesses (and we don’t know how long they were kept there)

When did they say they will attack the Zandalari again? They could have attacked anywhere.

Not really. Again, there was nothing to say Talanji wasn’t in line with the Zandalari’s hostile actions. Jailing her was the safest thing to do until the situation could be assessed.


They could use the space ship to assassinate sylvanas from orbit

i don’t know, the text is kinda ambigious.
i would just assume that they were referring to the funeral
because jaina says “as their mourn their fallen king”.

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Ehhhhh… that is a very dangerous slope as that can be used to justify any and all actions as “right” if it will “end the war.” There is a reason why we ban certain weapons.

or think about gang wars. would you be okay with a gang shooting up a funeral of a rival gang if their excuse was to end a gang war?

EDIT: to be honest i thought he was talking about attacking AFTER, like days or weeks or whatnot.

If killing the world soul has a chance to stop sylvanas we must do it

Not really, no. If you told me all I had to do was attack again, presumably avoiding civilian casualties again, to gain the advantage and end the bloodshed and annihilation, and the only drawback is that some trolls will have hurt feelings, you’d be stupid NOT to take that chance.

I would like to point out that Hydra had a similiar mindset in Winter Soldier, just saying.

Nice strawman.


Again, not really. Hydra committed manifold atrocities to attain what they considered a better world, and I assure you, attacking an openly hostile nation again after you’ve already attacked them once in order to put a guaranteed stop to the war doesn’t really equate to anything that they did.

If you wanna talk about Hydra though, we can talk about how Sylvanas was gonna turn Derek into her own Winter Soldier.


Okay, so you agree with the decision to use nukes against japan then?

How the fresh hell have we made this leap in logic?


its pretty much the same scenario. japan attacked the us, engaged in atrocities. US had to decide to “end the war” via nukes or launch a costly land invasion which may have taken years.

I will say that the world did not take a kind view of the outcome.

So… dropping two devastating nukes is the same as attacking during a funeral to you then? I’m not gonna get into real life politics, and I’m a bit miffed that you’ve decided to invoke this, but this isn’t even close to an equatable comparison. Neither is Hydra.


Nukes were a good idea.
I commend the US for not targeting juicer targets like Tokyo or Kyoto to maximize the damage.

No, he suggested like “NOW”.
but there was not really need for that because the following weeks the alliance got the upper hand in the war and only balanced thanks to the azshara trap.

i would say that attacking civilians just to “end the war as soon as possible” is the same logic.