At first I was excited, now I'm just angry

It’s not about if they want to play the game or not, it’s about the ones who do want to play the game playing the game even more. A while back Blizz changed their success metric from amount of subs to time spent in game per sub. So they do lots of things to increase our hours per month in game.

This was part of 10.05, just they weren’t turning it on until today because start of the new month.

Extra stuff for doing the stuff you already do if you play the game? That’s… bad, somehow?

i think you’re being intentionally obtuse.

in a previous post i said one day they will add the second tier battlepass

There’s nothing to quote from the two of you since you’re both entirely dodging the reality, and I suspect it’s intentional.

Decades of market research have led to these sorts of tactics, and they verifiably work. That isn’t unconditional, people do have to want what’s being given, but that bar is much lower than what you seem to think it is.

The Warden armor reward for getting 12 months of monthly rewards from Trading Post is a strong motivator for the average consumer. That’s not counting any individual pieces on the market itself that people will want.

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If that’s how you feel, that’s fine. I like the bow, the flail, the two hander, and the mount personally.

The bow and the flail are friggin’ awesome.

it should have been the night elf heritage

another oversight

I agree, but that’s a separate issue.

I’m also not all that broken up about it.

I think you’re being whiny.

There’s no money involved. You log in, do what you usually do, and boom, you can buy a pink cloak if you want, or not if you don’t.

No effort, no changing your habits, no nothing.

Again, like I said, you sound whiny. You have nothing to back this up.

Right, I get that. A reward for being loyal, but that is different (to me at least) than what people are claiming. Like… “here is a present for being loyal.” vs “Here is a bribe.” IDK maybe it is the same thing to some people, but it is completely different to me… maybe because I am completely immune to bribes to do something I really do not want to do.

Getting the points isn’t a problem. There was just only one thing I wanted. Bought the flail straight out. Hoarding the rest of the points. Those bandoliers are a total failure though.

I never called it a bribe. In fact, I literally called it a reward.

I do, however, use reward rather lightly. I have minor but present issues with a paid subscription service having intrinsically impossible to complete checklists.

it’s got the exact set up as a battlepass like in genshin, swtor etc.

do weekly/monthly/event wide objectives to earn XP that in turn awards you with cosmetics, weapons, currency etc

you have no foresight

Except those objectives don’t require you to do anything you weren’t already doing.

You just want an angle to be negative again. Imagine your life being all about begin negative about things that haven’t happened.

Dear OP,
Based on history, why in the world did you think this would be any different? :rofl:

this is one thing i know for sure is happening. i cant wait to see your face. but i think you will defend blizzard in the additional battle pass as well.

blizzard did things to give peopel stuff to do and rewards to earn?

how DARE THEY. WHat savages! blizzard this is the last straw! how dare you give me so many ways to earn currency so that i can buy cool looking transmog! how dare you! you savages!

I don’t defend Blizzard when they do boneheaded moves, but I’m not going to go all negative when they’ve done nothing wrong either.

You really shouldn’t renew in 12 days and never come back if the game has you this emotionally compromised.


I dunno, I have mogs they could work with.

Actually, no, it doesn’t.

Genshin has rewards over a 40-day period with rotating daily, weekly and event/season extras. The rewards are actually not cosmetics, they are power gains.

I can tell you that. I play that game religiously.

Except as is currently implemented, this is a monthly reward structure for doing the exact same things you are already doing by playing the game. If and when they adopt a separate paid battle pass track, I will agree that it is bad and voice my displeasure with it. What I’m NOT going to do is put the cart before the horse to spite a system that doesn’t have the trappings of what you have accused it of.


Everything in MMOs is a pointless grind for pretty much nothing. The trading post stuff took me maybe an hour to do max and that’s all it should be. Anything else is stupid.

As for the cosmetic choices, it’s clear you’re not intended to buy everything up each month, just get the 1 or 2 things you want and wait until next month.

This is not rocket science.