<Astral> 11/11M - US 75th (9 hrs) - LF HPal, Mage, and Ele

Battle to Going

To going, battle time?

How can he slap?

How can he slap?!

Drunken keys tonight?

im always drunk xell

Hitting them shots

nobody wants 2 do keys with me :frowning:

For anyone curious, this is a Axeo problem, not Astral problem.

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i refuse to be anything but aff for keys

was there battling without me? you guys know you can’t do that

yeah we’re battling in azeroth

Ready for battle Bois

do big battle

Big Big boom.

Do the big battle.

Why does Axeo no bump regularly

Stormscape Battlemage

Axeo being a bum.

Axeo poor bum