<Astral> 11/11M - US 75th (9 hrs) - LF HPal, Mage, and Ele

Wrong toon, hula!

Maybe he’s really a duck.

hmm yes hello

Sideways Void Crash

scary sideway void crash

Bleep Blorp

Bloopi Bleepi?

Friendly gnome bump

Bumps are helpful. You gnome what I’m saying?

Help I’m bumping alone

i will save you father i have returned

Ever wanted to raid with a Potato? Now’s your chance!

Uppity Up.

Down Down is a sentence.

Poopy Monday morning.

i dont enjoy islands anymore :[

i can feel it in my bones, everything dies tomorrow

the apemigos are ready to use their special attack

Meep Morp.

forums dont like capslock