<Astral> 11/11M - US 75th (9 hrs) - LF HPal, Mage, and Ele

had friendsgiving and got my child of torcali. neat

thanksgiving week is upon us. time to eat all the mana pearls

Mana pearls emissary too!

ok lads im ready for to kill heroic

thanksgiving raid week is here :hushed:

i wasn’t home to bump :[

need more mana pearls

existence is violence

sick boy bump

Friend and I are possibly in search for a new home if you’re interested.

I play Shadow Priest(Sapnis on Area-52) also play Mistweaver Monk(Ziedoss on Area-52) and he’s currently a Guardian Druid(Ipwnuface on Area-52).

Both currently 6/8M.

Bnet: Sapnis4Life#1811

Hey there! Feel free to reach out to one of the officer Btags listed above or to apply on our website.

can’t wait for m+ mechagon!

me keep losing hearthstone : (

Hearthstone is da poop.

allow me to Bother An Entire Police Force

No, go take your skunks elsewhere.

Bleep Blorp Salad time

mistakes were made

Salad Fingers

Salad is for skinny people