<Astral> 11/11M - US 75th (9 hrs) - LF HPal, Mage, and Ele

The disappointment is real

Need some moon throwers here.

Need some tentacle throwers here.

We are now recruiting refugees from dead guilds.

im ready to meet spriests with passive 100% crit

Cyndaquil is a cool pokemon

Balance balance balance

Corruption Corruption Corruption

72 corruption Pog

Sorry for the late bump, I was fighting off the crab people who unironically post on the general forums here.

who you calling crabby?>

Am I the only one who thinks people who PvP as their main thing in this game are just old geezers trying to live in the past?

I am going to need some of that DK soon.

sheep goat

If you play Holy pally or MW monk in arena you are the reason why we are getting corrupted gear next patch.

Looking for some nice raiders.

rip in piece black ops 4

Step aside poo game for a good game.

Dark Magician

Looking for Moonkins, Shadow Priests, and Rogues