[A][Stormrage]<Death Jesters>18 Years Strong - 4/8M - 2 Day

Recruiting Mage :crossed_swords: :fire: :crossed_swords:

Looking for an exceptional Mage or Ranged DPS. :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords:

Ready for raiding tomorrow! Still need Mage/Monk!!!

Still looking for mage and melee dps. Reach out to us please.

Wrapped up Normals, 5 Heroic Bosses down

Looking for an exceptional Mage or Ranged DPS. :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords:

Got yourself a guaranteed upgrade in the Vault this week? Grats! Now put it to good use.

Apply on our website.

Looking for an exceptional Mage or Ranged DPS. :crossed_swords:

LF Exceptional RDPS and a DK to help our team push into mythic.

Hi, I’m interested. Need a lock?

First Mythic down, 7/10 heroic now

Recruiting for Mage, DPS DH/Monks and Unholy DK. :fire: :fire: :fire:

You like to kill bosses and pray for loot just to be disappointed with gold? Well so do we.

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Still looking for more friend to come kill bosses and get loot!!

Ready to get back in there and kill some more bosses this weekend!! Come join us as we take down the Sanctum.

Friday is raid day!

More dead bosses tonight! Loot is to be had come and join us.

Recruiting for Mage, Warlock, Boomy, Shadow Priest, flex/DPS DH/Monk. :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords: :fire:

Back from the long weekend! Missed raiding

In need of ranged DPS… looking for Mage, Warlock, Boomy, Shadow Priest, flex/DPS DH/Monk. :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords: