[A][Stormrage] <AGOGF> 8/10M 2-night recruiting DPS (DK, Ele sham!) for Mythic/CE progression!

Come watch the Cyo smack downs.

Also bump.

if you raid with us and beat cyo in dps, i’ll pay you gold.

new keyboard hype

awkward night tbh

You guys need a tank?

Unfortunately we don’t at the moment. :frowning: I certainly wish you luck in finding a spot as a tank, I know it’s not easy in the middle of the tier like this.

Thank you for the response! Yeah :confused: unfortunate stuff happened with my guild that cause it to disband pretty much. Looking for a new home now. Good luck on your progress!

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Anyone need a tank? 8) I know a guy ^

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Still looking for a DK DPS.

give me a knight of death

donky kong
donky kong is here

aye donkykong

no honestly still looking for DKs

anticipation constipation

not only do I need a donkey kong I need a hulk smash ragey boy

BUMPIN’ up the post

Bumpin the post. Adding WW for hotpotato.

Bumping! General DPS recruitment.

bampu because need recruit-eru

bumpin! :smiley: