[A][Stormrage] <AGOGF> 8/10M 2-night recruiting DPS (DK, Ele sham!) for Mythic/CE progression!


Bumping the post

Late afternoon bumping up while I go afk

Upping the post because reasons

Upping post

Upping post! It’s been 14 days but now we’re just needing to round out a few general DPS spots. 2 Ideally. Come one, come all 8) No classes specifically needed at this point.

Bumping. Post to the top. You get it.

Bumping. Post to the top. You get it.

Upping the post. Whomst tryna DPS?

Another upping of our post.
P.s., it’s snowing out!

Snow is slowed. Boo.
Upping post.
Stay warm people.

Upping post

Up of my POST because I dunno I want it up

Bumping! Come play with us!

Bumping it uppp

Bumping the post.

Bumping the post.

Up the post. Good morning!

Coffeeeeeeeee. Favorite kind of coffee 123go

Whomst got some good vaults?