<Assembly Required> 9/9H 4/9M, 4hr/week raid! Tues/Wed 9-11PM EST - LF DPS

Remember when we would just get 2handed mace after 2handed mace? If only we had a warrior to take them and swing them at dragons.

You hate to see it

Raid night tomorrow - maybe you’d like to join us

Still looking for some more friends! Come and join us

You’d never think finding a dps warrior would be difficult.

2 bosses down tonight!

Any interest in a shadow priest

Talk to Callah.

Got Neth down, working on finishing off Heroic next week!

Go go 1mil bear!

We wouldn’t mind another. Let’s chat - CallaLily#1369

Looking to add more raiders to the roster

If only some strong, dominant, nuturing person had a Warrior that could come shout at us while we raid.

If only…

new week! who are you raiding with?

got mythic kazzara down

still looking for a warrior!

I have a warrior on Thrall and the raid schedule is perfect for me. I haven’t raided since Legion, just been m+ because of time commitment, but 4 hours a week I can definitely get behind.

I will send you a pm.

AotC achieved

Looking to add 1-2 more dps to the roster

still looking

Look at that - new boss down!

aaaand we’re back looking for 1 more dps!