Assassination Feels Slow?

So, first things first, I’m going to go right ahead and say I might just be bad at it, to be honest. It just feels slow compared to other classes I’ve played, and while it’s obviously excellent in arenas, it just doesn’t feel rewarding for me to play for some reason. I feel like I have to wait too long between one skill use to the next some times.

So, do others feel this way as well? Or is it me not having enough haste? I’m only at 16%, and my ilvl is pretty low because I started my rogue at the start of BFA and have consistently felt the same.

Yeah it’s normal. I’m pretty sure sin is the literal lowest APM spec in the game outside of maybe destruction warlock and frost dk.


Ah, well that does make me feel better. I have to admit that I hate the high reward it gets in arenas then. Mostly because I want to enjoy playing it, aha.

Regardless, thanks for the answer! :heart:

Get ur haste to 18%-20%

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Assassin? Slow?

Play Outlaw first and then come back talking about “slow.”

Rupture mini game during aoe zzzz

I honestly enjoy outlaw more :x Doesn’t feel as slow to me, though saying I enjoy it more doesn’t mean I love it.

Assassination is basically just a melee warlock


It does feel slightly slow in arena. A lot of people are going haste/memory of the lucid dreams minor to help with the energy starvation issue.

Haste should be at 20% minimum for the spec to feel fluid

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Well when your only buttons are rupture mutilate and kidney shot yea it’s pretty slow LUL

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its a little slow if you were to compare it to like a ww monk or something but its affective and still fun for me

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So play what you enjoy

This would explain a lot about why you’re so bad at rogue.


Your name reminded me of the Cranberries

Sin in one of the lowest APM specs. Outlaw is one of the highest.

Yeah it’s pretty boring in pvp. Just do your mythic + rotation until kidney shot is up, then do more mindless dmg. I hope SL makes stuff more interesting, sin in wod felt so much better tbh.

Well in SL we get Shiv baseline

I’d rather get gouge back. Crippling poison already slows for 70%. Unless they make shiv slow 90% or something I wont really care.

I would also LOVE if they made dispatch baseline, it was such a fun spell.