Aspect of the Wild Coming Off GCD

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Kinda sad is ONLY aspect of the wild while Druids got the cds of almost all their specs taken off…

MM and SV should have had their CDs taken off the GCD too. Specially now that we have Hunter’s mark annoying us in our openers to begin with

BTW do not take my words to say “BM should rot!” more like “Why the hell Hunters in general get so little compared to others classes?!”


At the very least double-tap should be taken off. Spending a gcd to double cast a single ability feels incredibly awful.


Below is a tentative list of relevant abilities that are being removed from the GCD:

You know how many things blizz has said and never went back to fix anything??? Just as recent as the last pvp “hotfix” that was said to be the first of a series of hot fixes…

Made one fix and months later not one other pvp tuning change.

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I didn’t say everything was going to be ok but see the big picture of all the changes before making a rant of what is being ignored. 24-48 hours and the list will be out there.

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I’m hoping they add in Trueshot/Coordinated assault at the very least. I could live with the rest of MM setup if that one change was made. In an ideal world Hunter’s Mark would be applied passively like with mystic touch from WW monks.

Double-tap and hunter’s mark going off the GCD would kinda be entering “EPIC ONE SHOT MACRO” territory in my opinion.

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Although I do like AotW being off GCD, it’s somehow just not satisfying when they give back something they took away.


I have no faith in Blizz.

SV haven’t gotten a change since the start of alpha.

What big picture do you see here? Some big cds got taken off for some specs but many others that should be off it are left untouched. Yes, it may be just the first pass of GCD changes but Blizzard has proven how trustworthy they are in this kind of things if people do not complain enough to force their hand.

  • MM and SV are left untouched.

  • Why in the world do they remove Serenity from the GCD yet keep SEF in it?!

  • Enhancement Shaman crying in the corner with their wolves still ono the gcd

Yes. my feedback comes with very negative feelings since I already expressed my lack of faith for Blizz, But my rant IS feedback. as you can clearly see I am stating what issue I have.


My first thought was that this may mean trueshot is gone. Maybe I’m being too hopeful, but I dont see any other reasonable explanation to exclude it.

Then again, Blizzard being obtuse seems like a more reasonable explanation.

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Do you think that they are going to list every one of your issues in a single post that lists a few examples of what spells are planned to come off of the GCD? I don’t see any of the picture yet because we are missing so many of the pieces.

I am saying that reservations are ok but rants on things that you wanted fixed are not immediately addressed in a glaze over announcement is overreaction.


No is not overreacting when we have already gone thru this multiple times. As stated before, Blizz did the same thing with their PVP hotfixes.

Why do you even care if I overreact or not?

I am just stating my frustration over how little is being changed, yes I am negative but I haven’t insulted Blizz or attacked them.

Or what, am I not allowed to be frustrated over the lack of changes?


your right in that we need to wait it out. but the problem is history has shown people trying to “wait” it out and in the end just get disappointing.

Its better to expect nothing and get something then to expect change and have nothing. thats the mentality people have when it comes to wow

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In all honesty I’d rather take the side of being loud and maybe listened to over being quiet and passed over or ignored.


I haven’t expected Blizzard to do any changes or expansion “right” in years but yet here we all are at $15/month. Every change that they have made over the years that benefited me personally always seemed to be 3 patches in to an expansion. I do not hold a candle in the darkness they they will change my opinion on this.

People can be and are frustrated but a lot of the time it is self inflicted because they read one page of a book and think the book is horrible. It might have been written by a crappy author but give it a few pages to see if the story picks up. If you get to the end and the story was horrible, don’t buy another book written by that author.

Not to sound optimistic, i assure you all that I’m not, but if AotW of all things came off the GCD, hunter’s mark has to come off soon as well. Like, AotW never felt even half as bad as mark does.


this is indeed the case but people do want to be able to play there specs at the start of an expansion right.

also like wow books, authors get switched around and people always come back to see a new book if a new or favorite author writes it.

shamans had to wait 2 expansions before they got love

They seem to have left on the GCD any cooldown which spawns an entity/guardian. Infernal, Darkglare, Demonic Tyrant, Shadowfiend, Feral Spirits, Fire Elemental, SEF, etc. I can sorta understand that, as spawning a guardian is at least doing something.

But Bestial Wrath, Trueshot, and Coordinated Assault do not fit that pattern. They are absolutely equivalent to something like Icy Veins or Avenging Wrath, and should definitely be removed from the GCD.


Maybe this is an indication they might be changing something with TrueShot? Wishful thinking at this point, I suppose.

They need to change it, but I feel like it’s rather late to try a complete and complicated revamp of the ability. The most rational change would be to revert it to how ye olde (Pre-Legion) Rapid Fire worked, as a flat 40% haste bonus. That would actually fix literally every single issue with it. Since it’s just accelerating the base rotation, anything worth using in the base rotation is automatically worth using in the hasted rotation (ie. Precise Shots). RF and Steady would no longer feel terrible to cast, either, and it would boost our focus regen while active, offsetting the increased focus consumption from the hasted casts and cooldowns.

In either case, the current version or that pure-haste version, it should be off the GCD. And Bestial Wrath and Coordinated Assault are no brainers.

I feel like they simply forgot that MM and SV even exist, tbh. Both are flaming dumpster fires from a design perspective, being just this side of being completely unusable, and yet neither have really seen any meaningful changes thus far. MM got a bit of work on the talent side, of course, but the baseline kit still feels awkward, and Trueshot is worthless (Beta results are showing it barely even increases DPS). SV of course hasn’t even been touched.

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