It’s pulling from Goosebumps, Oldwow comics, hearthstone and I’m seeing some other themes.
I dunno - there are a lot of Japanese umm… “cartoons” and games that would beg to differ.
what sick weirdo falls in love with something trying to kill them… Oh wait smokers
I love this. I’d be so hyped for this.
LOL,could be a spell an illusion…lol,gotcha.
I dk,AI has a problem with description and emotional insights.
I dunno. I think the guy is in love with the demon bro in the back. Whole different game now.
it’s a lair ,an bait to make you believe something it’s not. Love to see the
Still a better story than dragonflight
I would like a dating sim that has Anduin trying to decide who to marry Baine or Wraithion. I am not joking.
If they used AI for writing last expansion, we might’ve had a better expansion than Shadowlands lol
This is hilariously amazing. Also, why does the demon dude on the left have a Christree tree bulb for a nipple?
Why don’t you?
The AI learned what our favorite subject was from the Jailor.
Honestly the only thing I remember from the entire expansion