Ashtongue Talisman not working as intended. Not applying to subsequent casts

This bug was posted on the subreddit about a week ago so I was disappointed to see that its never been posted here.

Similar to the original Arcane Blast debuff bug at the start of TBCC which was fixed, the proc from this BT rep trinket is not applying to a queued cast after the spell which proc’d it.

Since the proc is an extremely short 5 second buff, this bug dramatically reduces its effectiveness.

What is supposed to happen:

Arcane Blast crit (proc)
hasted Arcane Blast
hasted Arcane Blast
hasted Arcane Blast
hasted Arcane Blast (buff expires)

What is currently happening:

Arcane Blast crit (proc)
Arcane Blast
hasted Arcane Blast
hasted Arcane Blast
hasted Arcane Blast (buff expires)


There’s a post in the main Bug Report forum I saw that has a good summary of this issue.

Hopefully Blizz can be bothered to hotfix this obvious bug otherwise the trinket is effectively useless when compared to other options.

Any update on this blizzard?

bump. hopefully someone can take a look at the behavior of this trinket and adjust it so it properly takes advantage of spellqueueing.

Please fix

Please fix or give a response!

Bump, please fix this!

Bump, please fix!

Please fix this mooooon

bump, please fix

Similar bug for the haste scarab trinket for healers, when chaincasting the first spell will not get the haste.

The Priest ashtongue trinket is also bugged in a different way, where it just does not work with renew, it’s not a good trinket anyways but it would be nice if it worked.

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