‼ <Asgaard> [HORDE] 'Pagle' - Multiple raid teams, Social Events, & Organized PVP {wow classic forums}

Can you please put PVE in your title. Almost applied when I scanned your page post.

We get a few more views this way, I origionally thought I wanted a PvP server myself but then began to realize the majority of pvp after BG’s come out will be instanced based. Also there are fun things you can do on a pve server to make pvp. Like Run through an opposing factions aoe while you flag yourself. Mind control mobs they are attempting to attack. (priest or engineer). Bait them at low hp and have a druid healer stealthed nearby and have your trinket+lock rocks+health pot+root tuber macro ready Basically instant heal to full through all CC.

You can make pvp happen on a pve server you just have to be creative.
Also when the pvp ranking system is introduced there will be wpvp as well.
We are also organizing deticated pvp zones for those that want to wpvp vs having it in random areas.

But ya. Sorry to hear you didn’t apply, however best of luck to you in your guild search. May you soon find a home.


Thank you, best of luck to your guild as well it looks like it will be a lot of fun! I find, a bit too much satisfaction in attacking alliance that are killing the content I want to kill. XD

You say that posting on an Alliance rogue… “lol”

Yup, it’s kind of sad you cant become an outlaw and become hated with both factions. Just killing everyone that gets in your way.

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Haha, well oddly I’ve always been alliance except for a stint in WoD, however Windfury totem being removed from the game was a crime, and I’ll be giving lots of warriors and rogues windfuzzies this time around :smiley:

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Looking for more people for our morning raid team.

And Saturday-Sunday afternoon, too. Noon to 3:00 PM Pacific time; 3:00 to 6:00 Eastern. Come join us!

Oh what a beautiful morning… ‘looks at clock… 3:35 pm’
Oh what a beautiful day…

So whats everyone up to this fine day. I’m actually pondering going outside… What a bad gamer I am… out doors… bah, the evil day star is out in full force today…

Great group of people. Discord is off the chain hard to keep up with all the discussions. Almost there folks.


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Yea our server is quite active. I might end up making a few more channels for general discussions.

Can’t wait to play with you all.

I am looking forward to the launch as well.

Liking this guild a lot… complete with HAZMAT team cleaning up :biohazard: toxic :biohazard: messes before they get worse! :sweat_smile:


Wait, we get a Hazmat Suit? This guild is Amazing!!!


Well I do my best to make the guild amazing. :smiley:

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Along with a raid going nearly anytime of the day or night you need and plans for organized PVP; we also have chill admins and officers, and fun guildies. Oh, and we’re Horde. What else do you need? (Unless pvp server, then you’re out of luck. Sorry, but you should consider us anyway!) Come join us.

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We’ve been quite active today, with a lot of gaming and discussions to be had by all.

What he said. You should check us out.

Come join our community! Very active and friendly!

Revamped the discord, condensing a lot of the text channels.

Our discord is looking quite sharp.

Great guild. raid teams are coming along nicely. Come join us! Especially shamans and druids =)