[A][Sargeras-US] <Botany> W/Th 7-10:30 PM CST 6/9M

Updated recruitment needs! Please reach out.

It’s spring time! Perfect to plant some new seeds.

Recruitment needs updated!

Prepping for 10.1 - Please reach out. :slight_smile:

Recruitment needs updated.

Still looking for more!

Just a few more days until patch!

New patch coming soon!

Recruitment needs updated.

Come join us!


425 ilvl mage, currently on illidan but would definitely server transfer/faction change. I’m looking to switch back to alliance and start fresh on a new server.

I’m going to be moving to sargeras after Tuesday reset.


Friend request sent. Let me know if you have some time to chat soon

Bump - Enh HIGH prio! Please reach out to me directly if you are interested.

Dscord - Vyntage#7032

4/9M, Rashok dies this week!

Enhancement Shaman HIGH prio! Please reach out to me directly if you are interested.

Discord - Vyntage#7032

Bump! Let’s go

bumping the thread :slight_smile:

Need more players to apply! Please don’t hesitate! Rashok is almost dead!

Come kill rashok with us!

Roshok at 17%!

Enh Shaman high prio!

Discord - Vyntage#7032

Bump! We’re so close to a Rashok kill! Come join!