As a healer my favorite tanks to heal are


My favorite tanks to heal are DH, paladins, and GOOD monks.

Never liked healing bears.
Bad monks can be terrifying too

But…paladins can’t be gnomes…

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not sure how it is now but i hated healing dh lol

tell the ones you run with that you’re not supposed to watch a dk’s green bar
watch the blue bar
that’s their actual healthbar

healing DHs and bears in certain dungeons has me thinking about picking up drinking again
actually it’s usually in dungeons where total kicks are under 20 kicks
DPS need to kick more, man

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All the tanks pretty much sustain themselves so it doesn’t really matter to me which spec it is.

As long as they are decent at playing it.

  1. DH
  2. Paladins that actually use Sac, BOP, etc
  3. DK’s that know what they’re doing
    —power gap—
  4. brew
  5. druid
  6. warrior
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what is a green bar? do you not use class colored health bars?

this is what my bdk tank i push with told me, i was genuinely confused before i realized some people don’t and they had to explain it to me
made me feel insanely dumb :s

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Any tank that knows how to play their spec! The worst tanks to heal are Prot Pallies that don’t know how to play Prot Pally lol.

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Amen to that!

Confirmed, OP likes the D

i like to heal tanks that are in range.

I am not sure why some dudes picks builds that put 2 or 3 points into LOS.

  1. BDK - very little healing is actually required (on the good ones anyway).

  2. Prot Paladin - see #1

  3. Guardian Druid - see #1

Bonus, I hate healing DHs. They zoom around all over the place like ADHD kids without meds, constantly LoSing or outranging me and then scream when they die.

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3: Sane tanks who don’t act like they’re on bath salts and who let the entire group die while they solo the instance.

  1. The ones that don’t run off trying to pull the whole instance at once, leaving the other four members in the dust

In otherwords . . . the ones that aren’t demon hunters.

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I groan when I do Timewalking and get a DH tank.

Like yeah, I guess I’ll catch up to you with my little angelic feather sometime . . .

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Poor priests, slowest healer in the game. Even paladins are faster now.

My favorite tank to heal is a tank that is able to keep himself alive without 100% relying on me all the time.

Blood dk health bars be jumpier than a bunny on a trampoline.

Healing a dk always gives me anxiety lol. Like you good or do you need an external? Nope you were good and i wasted that cd, awesome.