As a Community, we do not want RDF

By adding things that make no sense or ruin professions. Yeah, that is caring about the playerbase.


My use of quotes is to make it crystal clear what I’m responding to. That’s not why I “seem right”. The reason I “seem right” is because I am.


All of your post reads as an angry person with poor social skills, I’m afraid.


right about saying someone is wrong? because that’s all you have done. you haven’t done anything but be a fan boi and attack anyone that isn’t on your side with RDF. I brought things to the table, you have just chopped everything up and responded to sentences with red herrings. Seems like you dont have anything to bring in this conversation why be in it? do you have the graphs that support his claim?

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Sure am. I am right to call you wrong given the fact you have been unable to substantiate anything you’ve said, despite claiming that you can and already have.

You didn’t really bring anything to the table. You brought dates, which didn’t prove your point, and a made-up “science experiment”, that you have no record of, no proof of, and only a vague description of something reminiscent of a middle school level stats project.

I bring things to the conversation by pointing out how rotten the things you are bringing are.

It’s not my claim, why would I have graphs for it?


keep calling it made up and attempt to make fun now who using ad hominems… tired of your petty red herrings. dates prove what he was claiming in a previous conversation that again you were not even apart of.

not gonna respond to this eh?

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It is made up. You never did it.

I’m not making fun of anything. I’m accurately describing it.

No, they don’t. He said is was IN THE WORKS. You posted dates of their RELEASES. Release =/= “in the works”.

Yeah, cause I have no idea what you’re talking about. If you’d like to elaborate, feel free to do so, but right now, my conversation is with YOU. Why would I randomly start another one?


My guy, you can literally go back and look at Blizzard financials and public release of MAUs. Please seek therapy, you need help. I’m not trying to flame you but you don’t live in reality. Good luck to you.

I played in Wrath as well. You do know that you can actually look at forum posts from those days, right? Like the internet didn’t just go away with time. Stop being so whiny dude, play your way, let people play their way and move on. You really do have some issues.


No RDF makes COMPLETE sense as this is what the MAJORITY of the playerbase wanted.

I have done my research THOROUGHLY and debunked your claims, RDF is what led to the downfall of Wrath.

How is it MY fault you refuse to go find the Truth??

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How this guy communicates is a perfect example of how toxic the MAJORITY classic community is, he doesn’t even post on his main… scared you’re gonna ruin your rep with all your supporters?

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Get help, I’m putting you on ignore. You’re just attention seeking and weird.


Why would I? Look how toxic these pro-RDF trolls are, I don’t want to risk getting doxxed by some crazed pro-RDF supporter who I destroyed in a debate.

Plus this toon looks like me IRL and I like that.

Another one down for the count, if you can’t bring the Facts then don’t try to debate an Intellectual like myself.

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First of all, Boost makes no sense and destroys progression. But you seem to be alright with that.
Secondly, Northrend Expedition Supplies destroys professions, as we have already seen with Alchemy, and it was added to classic.
Thirdly, you have no evidence on being the majority, just like you have no evidence it was because of RDF that destroyed the WoW.


How are you gonna tell me what I did and/or didnt do? Get lost with your audacity.

oh so when you do it, it’s ok. Right. seems you have the same self righteousness of RDF.

how many times are you gonna defend something that is easily googled and shows that it was implemented in another expansion and has nothing to do with wrath.

lol you chose not to read that so you wouldn’t have to defend him
He claims he destroys people in debates but only talks like a cult leader with false premonitions yet you have yet to chastise him on his rebuttals.
GL fanboi

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Because I can see your lack of evidence. That’s how.

Except I haven’t made fun of anything. I’m accurately describing what your “science experiment” is akin to.

How many times are you going to misread what he said and fallaciously strawman everyone?

He’s not talking about IMPLEMNETATION. He’s talking about when it was being WORKED ON, hence his use of “in the works”. What about this are you not understanding?

No, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Please quote it and I’ll address it, but I find this whole whatboutism reeks of deflection. Who cares about what everyone else in the thread is doing? Right now the conversation is between YOU AND I and the posts we have selected to talk about.


RDF is essentially a form of boosting, the paid boosts at least help Classic Devs keep this game alive while RDF will kill it.

No it doesn’t, there will still be very rare and valuable potions that don’t drop from boxes.

Of course I do, when I log in RDF is NOT in the game. When I check Twitter, the Devs are also anti-RDF, when I look at Achievements I see ZERO RDF related achievements.

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Paid boost is what is detroying the game because it destroys progression. RDF didn’t kill the game. RDF was introduced in patch 3.3.0, in 2009, in October 2010, Blizzard reported 12 million subscribers worldwide. RDF didn’t do anything to the game. Time to stop living in a fantasy world and trying to push for misinformation about the tool.

Oh yeah? What is very rare and valuable potions?

That is not saying the majority don’t want RDF. Wanna try again?


Should they also disable the ability to solo dungeons?

That ruins the ability to be social right?

How many warriors and mages leveled without socializing and using the LFG system?

Why should they be able to do that alone but we should not be allowed to Que for a dungeon alone?


IT REALLY ISNT BETWEEN YOU AND ME THOUGH! IT WAS me and RDF. you chimed in but no one knows why. He used wow tokens and LFR as a talking point and I showed him his relevancy with dates. case closed. At this point I see you need some kind of attention and this is how you get it. I cannot fathom your motives at all or understand the relevancy of you even in this argument when you hold no match to this fire. Again I don’t need to show you anything, I questioned a few people to read their thoughts I didn’t write them down. I don’t owe you my research on this I’m simply stating others would like it as the talking point in this argument. I DONT CARE if you think I did or didn’t do it. fact is people I spoke with said they wanted it and I wanted to see if I was the only one. You act like this is court, its glorified reddit for people who play blizzard games, relax I saw your post discrediting people that went to reddit with it. you just want to argue. Get Lost. Nothing pleases you. You are just a fanboi/ or RDF disguised that expects everything in APA format for a NOBODY on the INTERNET that offers NOTHING in return. I almost have the gall to create a much bigger poll and buy ad space on google for top search to see which is more in favor. But you would just discredit that too and say it was made up lol because that is the type of person you are and will always be.

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To call out bad arguments.

No, you completely misunderstood his talking point and went off finding citations for an argument you invented. He’s talking about when LFR and WoW tokens were IN THE WORKS. NOT when they were implemented. You have contiuosly failed to realize this.

You don’t have research. You never did any research.

That’s great, how many others? You and one other person?

Sorry that I challenge your made-up research and false narrative.