You would probably also enjoy doing something else rather than be on these forums too. Like I’m going to play so D&D. So shoo now, so that you can have your life back.
So social experiences are fine in D&D but not in dungeons?
No I have to work and watching you guys pretend like you arent toxic addicts is my real entertainment, almost glad im not playing right now because then I would be in groups constantly doing stuff and would have no time to watch you guys get upset about not having friends
The moment I log in, ill be invited to a group, I wont even have to ask. Its faster and better than RDF could ever be.
This is the way, most of these peoples problems are solved by just making friends.
its even better, I dont even have to log in. People reach out to me on discord and ask me to come to groups. It cant be THAT rare because i have been playing since vanilla and I have never, ever, had an issue. The times we used RDF to fill our 5th though, most the time that 5th was worthless or toxic, very rarely did we get a 5th that actually contributed. Very very rarely.
“how come you wont take my crap geared alt” is all I see crying up the board now, and the answer is that the people that actually put in the effort to form a group dont want to deal with people that cant even be bothered to put effort into their character.
Although I am not a fan of RDF and feel like LFG tool improvements would be ideal, I do feel bad for classes that do not do well in these early phases of the game but do very well in later phases.
When building a group I also tend to gatekeep some classes out to ensure my dungeon goes quickly and we follow speedrun paths efficiently.
I too am guilty of forming groups that lean in my favor and may be part of the problem but when you can pull half the dungeon with mages, boomys, DK and locks and burn it all down in half the time. It difficult to choose rogues (pre-fok), warriors (fury even though S tier phase 4) and Spriest (although once they have MS they are god tier aoe).
Part of the reason the tool was created. One was to ease spamming for groups on populated servers. The other was to help eliminate gatekeeping.
Random dungeon finder didn’t stop abusers though. People would form groups with 3 or 4 allowing for one random, maybe two. And boot the other guy for reasons beyond the norm. The new form of gate keep.
Fair enough.
Yeah but when my friends are offline and I just want to farm emblems all day, RDF is an incredibly useful tool. It’s also great for leveling. No one enjoys having to spam channels for a tank/healer when they could be running the thing already.
It kills Social Interaction, we do NOT need it.
What’s the difference between a manually formed group of people not talking to each other, and an RDF formed group not talking to each other?
RDF is good for the game ONLY on PAPER.
In reality, it destroys the social framework of dungeons, I want to make friends, not sit silently in RDF land spamming the same dungeon over and over.
If you aren’t socially interacting in your LFG groups then that is on you, not on the tool itself. RDF we can see on Retail, virtually no one talks, no one cares, no one even plays correctly. it literally kills the Spirit of Classic.
i agree.
we must preserve this amazing social aspect
guy 1: hello im looking for a group to do the dungeon you are also doing!
guy 2: whats ur gearscore? whats ur xp? F off if its not high enough for me
this social aspect is so great, love it!!!
Refer to above.
No one forces you to use the tool. You can still form groups manually and make friends and I’m sure a not-insignificant amount of people would still do that. Forcing people to manually form groups isn’t going to make them want to interact with each other beyond ‘Kill Thing, Get Loot’ if they don’t want to. Just as RDF isn’t going to stop people from interacting with others if they want to.
Sarcasm Response A: Let’s make botting legal and then say if you don’t like it, don’t use it. Genius!
I’d never imagined someone to post extreme troll quality writing just to prove why RDF is bad.
You have got to be kidding me. If Discord was the solution to all LFG/RDF, then none of these drama would have existed to begin with.
Did you hit your head when you fell off your tricycle as a kid?
Even more toxicity from the RDF crowd, if these are the types of players that RDF brings then WE don’t want them Blizzard.
No need to project behaviours on me to suit your narrative. These are examples.
I don’t particularly care about what is happening in retail. We got RDF in late-Wrath last time around and it improved peoples experience immensely, removing the painful process of spamming for a group often to no avail. People’s friends aren’t always going to be online to form groups, which rings especially true as a lot of us now have additional life responsibilities and limited time to game, time we don’t need to be wasting spamming LFG chat to get some loot.