As a Community, we do not want RDF

Commenting a thousand times isn’t healthy and if this was on your resume then absolutely no one would hire you and probably call the health agency to put you in a home.

You’ve got a long list of forum posters to tell then. Half way there!

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dont feed him val, hes been arounf for like 22 days and every post is trolling the pro rdf crowd. he considers it a personal validation to hook somone into arguing with him. that just shows you how bad his real life is. just flag, ignore, and move on bud.

You’ve been replying to 5 different RDF posts with the same script you read from every day, thee projection is strong with this one.

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Halfway there indeed. You are at 504 posts in total (halfway to 1,000). Keep posting and you can congratulate yourself on wasting most of your life.

[quote=“Shanxi-faerlina, post:5470, topic:1342717, full:true”]

In exactly the context you want. TOOL. Still a flaming hot pile of turd you are.

Yeah Val, admit defeat and leave. Everyone can see you’ve lost your mind responding to me. I won.

And you’ll only be guilty of wasting a fifth. Or maybe 1/3. Or 1/2. Or 2/3’d if you keep this replying up.

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Guys, we won this. No need to flee.


When you’re old (so in 2 years), you’ll look back and hate yourself for wasting your “”""""“Youth”"""""" on replying crap to something you actually don’t really care about.

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The anti RDF trolls never expected to win, it was meaningless whining to blizzard to poke them to do what they want.

That flopped hard once the community figured out what was happening and fought back!

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I like how you want my approval so bad you edit me saying what you want me to say.

I will NOT be your father figure, stop simping for me.

I care about Classic more than ANY of you.

I’m so sorry that 12 year old mechanics, again, are still your arch nemesis.

Why would you care so much for a game you don’t play?

He’s already admitted to playing so denying reality is not going to work out for you.

Calm down, Be a bit more mature in your next reply.

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im not the OP, it seems like a pretty big deflection and projection tbh, we dont even talk close to the same you just read it in the same tone because you are a typical NPC. Clearly Calphricham and valadian are the same people and are projecting thier sock puppetry onto the OP because they themselves are sockpuppets.

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They don’t know what friendships and allies are because they lack both.

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There’s something called “lying” and people do it a lot. You do it plenty by making a bunch of alts.

This is actually an interesting theory, they both say the SAME thing.

Can you name a single alt? I bet you’d try and fail miserably. Keep up being toxic and you’ll might end up being actioned by blizzard…

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