As a Community, we do not want RDF

Good, unsub so the queue shortens

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I’m so proud you finally broke out your lvl 70. Troll wonder.

You might have to wait a few months, but I don’t

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That’s not me either lmao, jesus this guy lives in some insulated bubble where he thinks ANYONE who doesn’t share his opinion is a troll or an alt.

i am a troll and an alt, who gon stop me

I’m so very proud of you!

It’s because the average anti RDF trolls is too cloistered to know what other people are

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“What other people are”?

Yep, like people on forum talking? You appear to think we’re all the same person.


Obvious troll is obvious, at least you admitted it

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Go back to whining how hard the game is, bud. You were more amusing then.

He also admitted to RMT:

That semi-rapid old man approach. You got to get faster, Rdf. Pick up the pace old man.

does anyone remember what this thread was even about

Indeed. And the random dungeon finder tool will make it’s way to us in some form in time. And folks like RDF, will end up using it as they should. And happily.

It was about reminding te Devs who the MAJORITY is aka anti-RDF when the pro-RDF trolls like you came to ruin it.

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when did i ever say if i was for or against rdf xd

As a community we do not WANT RDF.

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We, as a community, DO WANT RDF. Thank you.