As a Community, we do not want RDF

Only if you base it in Reality, I don’t answer random fantasy scenarios.

No I don’t post on my main because pro-RDF people are thugs and criminals, I do not want to get doxxed because I know the dirty tactics your side uses.

Why choose a retail character then if you hate retail so much?

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Because he looks like me IRL and I like that.

yikes no wonder you are miserable then

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Flagged for harassment.

so much for asserting dominance over pro-RDFers if you have such thin skin lmao

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So you didn’t say whether you play WoW or not so the answer is clear: you don’t.

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I called it. Just trolling and make feeble minded excuses. Speaking of education, you clearly lack that. Your profile doesn’t back the claim you made in any way.

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This is stupid, I communicate with people as much now as I did with RDF. I look on the list see what roles are in LFD for the dungeons I have filtered pick the dungeon then whisper them, “Heal/tank/dps ?” That’s nothing more that contributes to being social on the server. I communicate once in the dungeon with everyone, no difference their from RDF on retail and LFD here on classic. This reasoning is the absolute dumbest.

I assert dominance by using Logic and Facts, the pro-RDF crowd gets emotional and throws school grade insults.

How?? I literally posted the proof SO many times, YOU are lazy. Makes sense why you want RDF so you can AFK all day.

It kills Social Interaction, if you can’t see the damage RDF does then maybe Classic isn’t the game for you.

I’ll admit that I’m being a child but only because your trolling is so child-level that it encourages me to act the same way

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Give us some Logic and/or Facts. Or, you can do what you always do and ignore this comment and use no Logic and/or Facts in the future.


Translation: The Truth makes me act like a child.

Got it.

When you log in, do you see LFG or RDF?

When you look up the Dev’s tweets do you see pro-RDF or anti-RDF?

Come on now, these are undisputable things.

You don’t speak for me. Not sure I’ve been in a group in classic that weren’t guildies where we ‘socialized’. Most of the talk is asking to need for off spec, what to CC, asking for a buff/lock rocks/table, asking to share quest etc. Talk about an incredible social experience! Also, people suck. Let me just get my stuff done.

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You know what makes one a child? Acting like they speak for everyone and trolling so badly. Plus you ignore valid questions everyone has thrown at you. Try better and so will I.


You haven’t or you’d happily show the evidence to back your claim. You are the lazy one here.

No, it doesn’t kill social interaction (I’m not sure why you capitalized the letters there). Unless you’re running with friends or guildmates, you’ll have the same exact social interaction as RDF.

No, unless it was implemented in how it was intended, as a means to just see the content.

No it wont, quit lying to yourself.

This is YOUR problem, I LOVE engaging with my Classic Community by asking abut their day and their interests.

How is Blizzard’s fault that their players are antisocial?

RDF doesn’t solve ANYTHING.

How is “BuT wHaT AbOuT aLTeRnAtIvE rEaLiTy” valid?? Even your questions are childish.

My profile is PUBLIC, just because YOU are lazy and can’t find it doesn’t mean I didn’t post it. Troll harder, kid.

WRONG, Look at Retail. LFG chat is all but dead.

What makes us unique is our LFG system, that system should be the ONLY way to find groups.

See there you go, a pro-RDF person wanting LFR and WoW Tokens.

Called it.


You do realize that you could link the Dev Tweet for once instead of getting us to do it and comment on our so-called “laziness” for being afraid to look up the Tweet that doesn’t exist. And RDF not currently being in the game isn’t a stable fact.

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I can’t post links due to trust level, it takes less than 2 minutes to find the quote. If you can’t even do basic research then you will get embarrassed debating with an intellectual like myself.