Artifact weapons quest line

Artifact weapons quest? Where do you start the artifact weapons quest? Who do you talk to to pick up the first quest? Where are they located, what is city, what area, and what is their name? I’m a little late to the game for that but I am unable to locate the start of this quest line. I would appreciate any help. Thank you

If you do the Legion introduction scenario it will make you do a series of quests ending with you getting to Dalaran (Broken isles) and while you run around the city it will appear an npc following you that starts the quest of your class hall and eventually after you are introduced to the class hall the leader will make you choose an artifact.

I don’t know exactly if the npc will trigger even if you haven’t done the Legion introduction scenario. You might wanna try go to Broken Isles Dalaran and just run around the different parts of the city until the npc appears.

Start by talking to the billboard in Org. Select the quest for the Broken Isles.
You’ll do some quests before you get on a boat and do the introduction to Legion scenario.
Then, you go back to Org, watch a cutscene do some quests, and then they tell you they’re flying Dalaran over to the Broken Shore.
Once you get to the Broken Shore Dalaran, an npc will follow you around the city with a quest to go to Tirisfal Glades or something like that.
You meet some guy there (make sure it’s the pre-battle for undercity version by talking to the time guy), and he’ll ask you which artifact weapon you want to find.