Arthas' Redemption: The Death of Sylvanas

I feel like the metaphor of the Arthas/Sylvanas relationship is well understood and maybe you just aren’t seeing it for whatever reason that I won’t delve into. I’m just very thankful and happy that so many in this thread do see it and I appreciate it being called out!

Also…unironically rooting for Arthas to be redeemed while lambasting redemption stories when it’s Sylvanas involved is quite frankly, hilarious.


If Arthas is to ever make an appearance, I want it to be alongside Sylvanas in hell. In the end, death claimed them both. Arthas is left in perpetual torment with the view of a soul who caused just as much death and malice as him.

Sylvanas is forced to forever face the man she tried so hard to get vengeance upon, but eventually became the same. To know she was never better than Arthas in the end.

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I agree. I think this would be a good downfall for Sylvanas. She actually accomplishes supplanting the jailor only to find it’s a worse fate than the one she was trying to escape from. That’s poetic justice.

The idea of Arthas killing her is frankly gross as others have pointed out.


When did Blizzard say that? source me on that please if you can. Because from my memory Ner’zhul wanted the scourge to kill everyone.

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It is rather amusing the same people who claimed it was outrageous and ridiculous to point out that the burning of Teldrassil was sexist are upset by the thought of Arthas continuing to torment Sylvanas some more. Very cool! Guess we’ll find out what really happens in Shadowlands.

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At pretty much the exact same time they said Arthas held back. I believe it was specifically an answer from Metzen at one of the Lore Q&As at one of the Blizzcons after Wrath when people kept asking why there had to always be a Lich King. He said that neither of them had let the Scourge off the leash and we were free to speculate on why. If they had, Azeroth would be in ruins. That is apparently going to be how Shadowlands starts cause with Bolvar no longer in control the Scourge starts to rampage out of control.

I saw Jaina was in the maw. I wonder if any major characters actually die due to the scourge being free. I doubt they will, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

Probably not. I don’t think they are too eager to kill off developed characters in a prepatch event that doesn’t even involve the main antagonist. I think Jaina, and a number of people from Azeroth will be going with us and Bolvar through the rift into the Maw to try and fix whatever has gone wrong and that is why Jaina and Tyrnade are there. It sounds like we will be rescuing a bunch of people from the Maw.

On a side note, It was pointed out that most of them will be trapped in the Maw because the Maw isn’t somewhere your supposed to be able to get out of. That is why Players will be called Mawwalkers. Our connection to the World Soul of Azeroth gives her just enough reach to allow her to open the way for the player out of the Maw through our link through the Heart of Azeroth though the Heart itself will lose power that far from Azeroth, lorewise at least.

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I couldn’t have said it any better. He turned her into what she is and hev didn’t be the one to kill her as his redemption, that’s not fair to Sylvanas.


I think you’re probably right even though the scourge being released is supposed to be apocalyptic. Considering how bad it supposed to be some characters getting killed turning the tide on the scourge would make it more believable that there must always be a lich king.

Instead, the scourge will likely be defeated in a prepatch and the status quo will be the same as before. I’m just kinda afraid they are going to turn what was supposed to be a huge ordeal into a footnote.

It’s in the same disappointing fashion as how Legion was suppose to be the be all final invasion of the Burning Legion and they did invade selected locations in Azeroth like Westfall and Barrens during the Legion prepatch, but then after the prepatch the Burning Legion just stuck to only the Broken Isles. It never really felt like Azeroth was under a mighty final assault from the Burning Legion after the prepatch.


This. The only thing neato about Arthas is how unrepentant a villain he was and how he was trying to one up Kil’jaeden.
He can’t be redeemed. No act of contrition can ever be enough. And that’s fine. Some characters just go beyond the pall.


At that point he was a scourge agent with no soul (sorta? Souls are weird).

Have to see if I can find that. It will be interesting to see how the Scourge running rampant across Azeroth in Shadowlands but knowing Blizzard it will be one and done in a hour quest line at best with us killing all the Scourge or enslaving them all again with some new magical macguffin the writing team will pull out of their arses.

Arthas murders people to get the power of a cursed sword. He is a victim. Sylvanas gets killed, enslaved, and force to murder her own people. Who cares, it happened to everyone.

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I think part of that is that there is a lot of anger at Sylvanas. She was made a villian all ready hated by half the player base. I think there is a desire to see her character ground into the dust as the most evil ever. I think if a thread comparing her to Ny’alotha or Kil’jaeden you would get the same kind of thread.

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Who did he murder to get that sword? Why did he want the sword?

No he just isn’t a moustache twirling villain.
That does pointless evil just so he could grow a bigger moustache.

Lol no. She gets killed and tortured.
But according to you that gives her a pass to kill and torture whomever she wants.
Because she is a victim. Come on.

She doesn’t even have the decency to target the people who wronged her in the first place. She is lashing out to completely strangers.

If you want to draw a comparison just compare Stratholme and Teldrassil
One is a city and the other an entire island nation but whatever.

He burns the city down because he believed it was the only way to get to the guy causing the plague and destruction. Additionally, the plague could have spread from there and infected the entire nation.
We never find out if his plan was successful because after returning to Lordaeron he was already possessed and it didn’t even matter anymore.

Sylvanas burned Teldrassil to get power and to kill hope apparently.

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OK, now you are just baiting. Either you know what I’m going to say to these, or you should read up on the lore before posting again.


I think you just don’t want to admit all the people he killed before being possessed are those Mercenaries.
The people of Stratholme were already dead, there was no saving them.


Ah, so you do know that counter argument you pretended didn’t exist. This is better suited to trolls than real discussion.