Arthas' Redemption: The Death of Sylvanas

Arthas’s Soul was no more evil than Kael’thas was(Kael’thas was infact worse than Arthas’s Soul since he attempted Genocide of the Draenei and tried to give Azeroth to the Legion) and wound up in your average inescapable Underworld which is overrun with giant rats and violent prisoners whose eyes adjusted to the darkness.

If anything said Soul of Arthas should be just fine wandering around aimlessly in the Maw once the Covenants have set up their own guards there(they are seen sending their men into Torghast during Alpha Testing).

The consciousness of the Lich King persona(created when Arthas lost his Soul) AKA the Memory of Arthas which communicates to Frost Death Knights in Legion on the other hand should be dragged straight to the most vile and brutal prison in the Twisting Nether which as anyone can see is Hell itself.

Preferably he is already in the Nether(brought in by Mal’Ganis searching around the Frozen Throne upon the Helm of Domination’s destruction) just waiting for Detheroc to drag a weakened Sylvanas to join him in his cell after we beat her up.

The most vile Echo tortured alongside the most vile Mortal Soul that it shaped into that state would be a most cruel irony for Sylvanas.

I can imagine Sylvanas’s face when the Dreadlords explain to her weakened self that Frostmourne claimed Arthas’s Soul and that the entity that tortured her was a Soulless shell whose consciousness she is about to join for even worse torment than the Maw.

I reiterate: Arthas lost his Soul before he committed his worst crimes!


Totally agree, and well Arthas’ story came to its logical conclusion- we killed him for phat lewtz and his soul journeyed to its dark afterlife.

Now it’s Sylvanas’ turn.


Redeeming Arthas and killing Sylanas would be an evil end. The idea that Arthas was worse than Sylvanas is hard to credit. It certainly isn’t in body count.

What is more, by making Sylvanas what she is, he shares blame in what she did.

And to give him some sort of triumph over Sylvanas? I mean that would be the ultimate evil coming out top.


Poetic justice would be for Sylvanas to get what she wanted but in a way that’s the opposite of what she would approve of. She betrays the Jailer, takes his power, and tries to get her ultimate goal, that being the Arbiter’s job.

We defeat her, and lock her away into the Maw as the Jailer’s replacement. Remember that the Jailer was starved of most of his power for the bulk of history, in the grand scheme of things. The ultimate justice would be for Sylvanas to end up in the same position, no longer needing to fear death or the Maw, but also forever a part of the same system she sought to upend.


That sort of justice completely removes the victim’s agency though?

Sylvanas accomplishes her goals but it was a bamboozle from the start? Not very satisfactory.

Perhaps you could say they belong to each other.


Which Arthas are we talking about?

The Soul of Arthas(who merely purged Stratholme leaving some survivors to burn the bodies then backstabbed Mercenaries before grabbing a cursed relic) or the Empty Husk of Arthas who destroyed Kingdoms and enslaved millions?

I’m quite certain we Players(not to mention Kael’thas) caused much more atrocities than the Soul of Arthas did!

The Empty Shell of Arthas created the villain that is Sylvanas while the Soul’s remaining sliver tried to restrain and stop said Empty Shell before said Empty Shell had enough of his interference and shoved said Soul Sliver into Frostmourne out of annoyance.

If so then the most fitting punishment is to shove Sylvanas’s Soul into Arthas’s body(complete with brain filled with Arthas’s memories and mind) so that both may be tortured for their crimes.

As long as:

  1. Tyrande pushes her to this doom
  2. Sylvanas is kicking and screaming dragged into a hell hole that she fears.

I would have no complaint.


Preferably in the Legion’s worst prison since naturally it would be worse than the Maw which is just your average Underworld with no Prison Guards aside from the Jailer’s gate locks and the oldest prisoners themselves.

storywise though I just find it a really good scene that she ends up in the same place that started everything.

I mean that is the ultimate sign that you made a mistake. You took the wrong turn. Where did you go wrong on this path?

Its cruel and ironic at the same time.
If she gets what she wants and it turns out to be a bad then the only thing this character would think is that she was tricked. Not that she made a mistake.


I mean the Arthas that willing sought out an artifact for gain power even tough he knew it was evil. The one who betrayed and killed people in process. The one who didn’t loose his soul when he picked it up, but instead found it promising power which he listened to.

Meanwhile, nothing ever happened to Sylanas. There she was, a Blood Elf ranger, who dicided to be come an undead so she could commit murder?

I mean really, are we starting up a an Arthas did nothing wrong meme?


You realize Sylvanas did a lot of things between then and now right?
And what she went through has no bearing on what she has done since.


You mean like with Arthas?

Arthas had one goal.
Save his people from Malganis.

Every choice he came across with was a necessary (wrong) decision for doing what he thought was right to stop one demon.
He never knew once he touched that sword he would become a slave.

What excuse does Sylvanas have?
She lost people? Got tortured? Who cares? Everyone did.

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Indeed. Every source of Lore states that he never knew that Frostmourne would doom his people but just that it was cursed. His words were "I will give anything, or pay any price, if only you will help me save my people.”

He was willing to sacrifice mercenaries and his soldiers for his people’s sake. The Arthas Novel even mentions his people being what fueled his motives.

The Revenants foolishly never told him that the Sword was bound to the Scourge’s master and stole Souls from any who touched it for if they did Arthas would have never touched it and left the thing there.

He was ultimately imprisoned by a Soulless Shell within a Runeblade due to people(Medivh and the Revenants) not telling him what was going on and being cryptic. And after that he got shoved into some barren Underworld run by dangerous criminals!

The only salvation for this sad Soul will be when the Covenants set up their guards over the Maw removing the Criminals from power. His ultimate fate is to be an urchin in an Underworld as barren as the cavern where he found Frostmourne.


Arthas made choices, he made many of them for power. He started out with one goal and was seduced by power. He didn’t loose his soul until he put the helm on, but by then he had already killed his father and loosed the scourge.

But your comment about excuses is the key. You list everything Arthas went through as an excuse, and nothing that happened to Sylvanas does.

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Can you draw some parallels, so I could see it?

Tichondrius outright claims that Frostmourne claimed his Soul and the Arthas Novel outright says that the kid absorbed by Frostmourne is the last sliver of said Soul that had been trying to get Arthas to stop(said sliver specifically attempts to get Arthas to turn good again in the Novel).


Ner’zhul was also said to have held back the Scourge by Blizzard as well so that was hardly something exclusive to Arthas. In fact literally every Lich King has kept the Scourge from going rampant for one reason or another. Arthas is hardly special in this case.

Not sure where your getting that idea from unless your suggesting that the jail system is acting in an unlawful manner, at least for most western countries. That is the reason high risk inmates are often kept under special conditions to keep them safe from other inmates.

You keep acting like somehow Sylvanas is worse than Arthas and she isn’t in the slightest. Your so bitter over Sylvanas’s story your basically suggesting scenarios where people as bad, if not worse, than her get into a position of dominance over her so she can suffer, ignoring exactly how bad those people are.

Frankly Arthas was already getting pretty bad before he ever picked up the sword. At least Sylvanas became undead before she turned into a complete monster. Arthas was working at it prior to that.


Why do the masses stan so hard for Arthas anyway?

Babby’s first fantasy character or something else?

The guy was a straight up pompous prat in WC3 and The Frozen Throne. Well-meaning in the start, but his arrogance, and impatience was his demise.

Yet across the forums, in-game, people are just obsessed. Whether it’s love for Invincible or using some ICC related title or item (Tabard of the Lightbringer), or names like Darthuss etc.

Just why?


Likely because he was one of, if not the best part of the entire WC3 story. The expabsion he featured in was also the most universally well-received expansion in the game. And his story wrapped up perfectly- he got the ending he deserved and hasn’t been touched since. Out of all the villains that Warcraft has had, he definitely has been handled the best.

Most other villains in WoW had to be built up during WoW’s course (Nefarian, Ragnaros, C’thun), turned irredeemably evil solely for the sake of phat lewts (Illidan, Kael, Lady V), pop up out of nowhere and suddenly become a threat to the world (Deathwing) or just straight up brought back from a previous entry in the series (Gul’dan)

But Arthas had build up. Arthas had clout. Arthas had an entire force of undead in the north just waiting to be unleashed. We knew he was there, bud waiting for us. And we couldn’t wait to take him on.

If we’re being honest, each of these questions and statements could equally be applied to Sylvanas-a character whose entire story revolved around the Lich King for the first part, and then ultimately became a really terrible copy of him at the end (Even having a duel between herself and the current Lich King, which she won pretty handily)

It all reeks of bad fanfiction if you ask me, and has reeked of such since Cataclysm. Yet you people still love her. It truly is one of this world’s greatest mysteries.