Arr! I be looking for some mateys!

Now that things have settled down a bit in good old Azeroth, it is time to embrace in some rp. I’m going to be making a human, undecided as of yet between mage, rogue and warrior. I’m hoping to team up with some people on a regular basis on nights and weekends. Anyone interested?

I scarcely played the Alliance in WoW, and I have wondered since Blizzard first announced the game if I ought to use Classic to see the game from the other Faction.

I suppose would try a Dwarf Paladin or Priest.

Have you decided on a Class?

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I decided that the best way to choose a class was to see if anybody was going to join me, then pick whatever was needed.

Well, which would you prefer to start building runs with, a Priest or a Paladin?

Ahoy there! I see you are posting on a classic character. Is this the one you intend on rp’ing?

Or are you looking to start something new? I would be delighted to have some company.

Arr Matey. This be Powder Monkey Ookz. Avast.

Sorry about the late reply, it has been a busy couple of days. I’d be making a new character, as this paladin is on another server. If all you guys are still interested, what day would you like to start on? I’m tentatively thinking Friday, but I have all nights free, as well as weekends. Pick whatever classes you want to play, and then I’ll pick something that hopefully goes well with your choices.

I have a baby NE hunter who is still on Teldrassil. Make something on BB and in game mail this character your name. We can get together any evening. I am on Pacific time zone and often play with the Aussies.

If anyone wants to get together to overcome the forces of evil, protect the people of Azeroth, and exchange recipes, at the moment I’m playing Eraisuithon, night elf druid. As of when I’m writing this post, he is ninth level.