Arms warrior - the noob spec

HUHUHEHEHOHOHO you really got me there, fuuuuuu didn’t see that coming jefe.

Then you shouldn’t be surprised, you’re crying about a subpar class.

Subpar class? Crying? No no no no sir/madam/thing, I was simple stating the facts in a satirical manner that’s all. Everyone knows hunters skill ceiling is way high that warrior.

tanks in pvp smh

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Are your healing services for hire?

hmm not sure i get it, wym

Lol it’s a plain question. Cbf with shuffle and I want enchant. May be 2s is too deflated anyway. No worries. May be I’ll ask one of my secret contacts, well the only contact I have lol.

Obviously gotta be kennie, right? As the king of the underground boosting cabal.

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Nah, I would not waste money on something so trivial. Just a healer that helped me in SL and DF. Kind soul, he offered out of the blue as a stranger.

Fury seems pretty busted at the moment and honestly Fury is literally DH (DF DH) easy to play. Rotation consists of rampage, rampage, rampage……rampage. I’d say arms is a little more technical to play just because you need to atleast time your Sharpens but I doubt it’s difficult when you just blades storm and have it auto throw your Mortal Strikes.

Now if Warriors are complaining that it’s difficult simply into casters….breaking news every melee is difficult into casters in this meta with infinite passive slows. The perma slows are what makes ALL melee feel terrible to play into Casters at the moment.

Warrior itself damage wise really isn’t a tough rotation at all. Like I’m pretty sure I have more keybinds on my BM Hunter than I used to have on Fury Warrior in DF. I remember having an entire row just straight up empty in DF.

Warrior is probably only a little more mechanically difficult simply because defensives options aren’t as abundant. Then again victory rush (I think that’s what it’s called) and Ignore pain are decent defensives in the way of healing. Also I feel like most Warriors just W key in Zerk stance and just never swap to D stance.

But yea I can’t see Warrior being any more rotationally difficult than a DH or BM Hunter. It’s pretty noob friendly.

The difficulty in warrior is absolutely not in its rotation

For sure, but that’s why I say it’s a very noob friendly spec to get into Arena or PvP. Never said a noob was going to climb to 2.1k just starting on a Warrior. The nuances of Warrior I feel come in with knowing when to sit in D stance or peeling off beating a healers face in when they know a teammate is in trouble. But yea it’s absolutely an easy class for someone to just pick up and learn. Classes to me that seem difficult rotationally when I’m first playing them as an alt are classes that have a bit more depth to the damage rotation.

Like I feel like if I picked up Sub rogue today I would do trash damage in a lobby versus if I logged into a Fury I would still be doing crazy damage (I probably would just flop and die though due to not knowing the nuances of positioning for Warrior etc)

Why don’t you tell everyone what’s difficult about warrior then?

Why don’t you tell everyone when the beatings from your father started


You first.

the “difficult” things about warrior come with positioning and disrupting setups for your team, some matchups are harder obviously but that’s true for every spec.

Yea for sure, positioning is always key. That’s why I said a zugzug Warr player who doesn’t know positioning is just going to get blasted while trying to chase a kiting ranged across the map while the healer is stuck in a CC. But yea I’ve had to learn how to peel hard for my teammate on my WW monk when I see they are in trouble.

Since WW isn’t really a target right now (atleast in my shuffles) it’s taught me to always pay attention to my teammate and where they are and if they are getting blasted by a melee dps or the caster I’m not sitting on.

But yea peels I feel like for any melee are insanely important to learn how and when to do.

What’s difficult about it tho? Because every class has to do that if they want to win.

it’s not even like hard to actually peel as warrior, just knowing when the setup is coming is what separates good ones from bad ones

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Positioning for warrior = Train the lock.