Arms warrior 2s

What’s the best healer to push 2s as arms warrior? I’m hovering at mid 1800 rating and had the most success with disc priests, rshaman and rdruid.
I struggled and lost quite a few matches with holy paladin mainly to rogue comps and rogue mage comps. Is hpal arms viable or should I go fury?

Looking for a hunter buddy to pvp with

Arms/hpal is fine, played that to about 2.3 with a rando lfg hpal; but eventually you just need an rdru

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How do you deal with rogue mage and rogue comps? They either do an extended cc on the pally to burst me or switch to the pally and burst him down while I’m rooted or cc’d. What strat and talents would I run against that?

Also thank you for letting me know it is viable.

Just reroll a hunter

That’s just a really hard matchup since arms and hpal are notoriously weak (no pun intended) vs rogue/mage. I play reflect, disarm, and banner + C&S, Vision, and Memory for max vers. The key is to play to live, not to win. So chill out and hit whatever you can and eventually they run out of cd’s and rot. Don’t tunnel vision!!


I would think at 1800 it would likely have more to do with team synergy and developing with a partner.
as for Fury vs Arms. Fury generally has better up time and great self healing but arms has better defensives and kill potential IMO.
I personally think you should just play what you like better and perfect that.
Learn from your mistakes and you will continue to climb if thats what you want :slight_smile: GL

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im pushing some dece’ rating almost 1300 with an hpal. it’s fun.