Arms spec bonuses

i wouldn’t mind season 3 just because of nicely the spec plays but i have zero hopes in blizzard tuning arms well and we will end up being pool noodle 2 hander weilding class for whole season again thats why i rather take raw damage from seaosn 1.

if season 3’s set bonus wins alongside season 1’s appearance, thematically we’ll all be warriors of rock and stone that quake the very earth with our immense impact force


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S3 sucks comoared to s2. The s2 set had so much more dmg output, id be willing to bet i could outperform any s3 warrior with my s2 set

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I like how many different arms builds are as equally viable as the others in m plus rn. And i think the sudden death set helps with that.

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Can I vote “none of them” and get one from a past expansion? Frankly, all of the tier sets this expansion are uninspired and bad for Arms, even if at least one of them is numerically okay. They’re all passive garbage with no real player interaction with them.

The brunt of “players” (fury detractors) asking for season 1 bonus are so obvious. The democratic process has once again been subverted by bad faith opportunists (asmongold viewers).
Vote Conservative. Vote Season 3.

How is S1 for arms not winning by a landslide? Do the rest of you seriously not like doing more damage?

Tier Set Comparison vs Current (T31):
based on current ilvl

S1 (T29): 238k (+2.4%)
S2 (T30): 233k (+0.3%)
S3 (T31): 232k

I have no faith in blizzard doing any substantial tuning to arms given the current state of the spec and no mention of arms in any of the patch notes this tier.


Because Blizzard already said they’d tune the winning set so it yields the +% increase they want. You SHOULD be voting for playstyle you want.


I care substantially more for how much better S3 feels to play over S1 and Bliz is likely reviewing the winning bonuses for future talents as well of which I highly doubt the S1 bonus would be made into a talent even if it won.

So what you’re saying is that the current arms spec is exactly where Blizzard wants our DPS numbers to be hence not being included in any patch notes all tier.

Voting for S3 is essentially the same as voting for our current status in raid.

I have zero confidence that Blizzard will do anything to increase our DPS output compared to other classes.

Getting the S1 bonus isn’t going to magically catapult Arms to the upper echelons, we’d be lucky if it propelled us 2-3 spots ahead of where we currently are at so yeah people should vote for what they enjoy more than pure numbers as that is all the S1 bonus is.

so many old set bonuses are baked into the spec now tho. First that comes to mind is unhinged all the way back from Legion Tomb of Sargeras tier which lived on as a Shadowlands Legendary and now a final-tier talent

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Because it’s boring and adds no active component to your rotation, season 2 is very similar in that nothing changes.

Season 3, at least has us pressing Execute more frequently, and doesn’t have us pressing rend past the first initial application (most of the time).

As others have posted, numerical shouldn’t be your vote, as tuning will occur with all the sets. Wether or not you choose to believe that tuning will occur is up to you.

Yeah, it happened to Fury, too, but I’d… kind of rather play T18 again over a second season of any of the set bonuses we got this expansion.

T18 for Arms might even be kind of fun, were the spec to work around it (aka Mortal Strike to actually hit like a train).

Anyway. Nothing interesting happened with Arms this expansion, except the Skullsplitter changes, but those amounted to nothing in PvE.

Is the Season 3 set bonus fun in theory? Sure, more execute = more fun, right? I think the concept for it was fine.

However, in execution (yes, bad pun) I hate it. While it might sound satisfying to have loud execute slashes followed by a thunder clap thud, the resulting damage profile is so heavily RNG and boss mechanic based that I can’t enjoy it, and I don’t see how it could ever be properly balanced.

For example, take 2 kills I’ve done on Volcoross, the simplest damage profile boss in the raid (hit it until it dies with no gaps or damage bonus phases). In one kill, I had 30 sudden death procs over 3 min 4 sec (and Juggernaut dropped 2x), for about 190k dps. 2 weeks later, with higher haste and ilvl, I had 14 sudden death procs over 3 min 3 sec (and Juggernaut dropped 4x), for about 178k dps (and let me note, that pull noticeably did not feel fun). Besides the resulting difference in sudden death executes replaced by either overpower, slam, or thunder clap, ability use was roughly identical between pulls. And that is just 2 data points, there is statistically almost no way they are both outliers, so you can expect a potential difference in proc rates of a factor of over 2 between otherwise identical fights. Add in whether your procs are consistent enough to keep Juggernaut stacked up, and you are easily looking at an approx. 10% damage swing that you have absolutely no control of. Some RNG is fine, and can be healthy in a playstyle, but this one swings far too much based on RNG due the effect of Juggernaut. And I would bet that the class balance assumes a decent luck for proc rates - can’t let someone blow up the meters just because they had good RNG that pull.

Then add in that most bosses aren’t a training dummy and have built-in mechanics that force you to pause dps to manage mechanics. These are hugely punishing to the Season 3 set bonus due to a forced drop on Juggernaut stacks.

And that is without going into the wrench it throws into the already over-capped rage management outside execute phase and the problems that causes for Test of Might/Anger Management.

So my vote is for anything but the Season 3 set bonus. I really do wish it was fun, because like any proper warrior I love execute, but it has too many inherent problems for me to enjoy it. I’d prefer Season 2, since Season 1 is SUPER boring, but I’ll vote for whichever one is more likely to usurp Season 3.

While the S3 tier set for warriors added a new perspective to how it’s played, it is just too underpowered, even with the legendary axe.

Season 3’s bonus is so little damage! It’s a big part of why arms sucks so badly this season. The amount of damage the 4pc bonus actually adds is less than the helmet enchant. It’s so bad!


You gained Power Infusion on the first log where you had 30 Sudden Death Procs. You also had Windfury in the second log (not the first) which probably attributed to you spending your rage more efficent and not wasting it.

While RNG Plays a minor part, its not so RNG heavy that you’ll see that large of discrepancies.