Arms or Fury?

I love both specs. Fury is slightly more fun but I also like arms. I also like doing good dps. I switch to fury the other day and my dps tanked compared to arms. I got some echoes and Expedient 2 is up until Tuesday and Severe 3 comes out then. Im wondering which spec I should buy corruption for. Is fury gonna be that good once I get severe? BTW Im doing the rotation about 85% right most of the time if not 100%.

No, Fury is not going to be able to keep up right now if you’ve stacked sufficient Expedients as Arms.

Arms is more gear dependent and not as fun but slightly outperforms Fury while Fury is not so gear dependent and is more fun IMO. My answer is if you’re playing casually go Fury, if you’re going to fully gear and min-max and all of that stuff go Arms

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lol not even close

Good joke I laughed. If you’re still playing fury then congrats, you’re trolling your raid.

Arms is probably the most fun spec in the game imo. Fury is cool if you want a lot of buttons to press and has great self-healing but Arms is so satisfying. Arms is more competitive with higher gear but the difference isn’t so big I think you should consider it. Play what you enjoy. The xpac’s almost over.