Arms nerfs, Frost Mage untouched

watch out who you called ugly in highschool :sunglasses:



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I think bade storm should also shoot out shapnel in a 30 yard radius.


Need a gamer to tell me if we’re about to see Frost / Feral / Priest so I can avoid qing for a bit


I meant mage blue not shaman blue and I still haven’t met a mage player with a chin.

Don’t worry. I will never let Amatox hurt my little butterfly, Kydrav. NOT EVER.

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Dude is that a hate crime?

Demand he play frost when UHDK gets nerfed into oblivion.

I tried that, he just says ok.

I also don’t want to give him ideas because he’ll end up begging Nez & I to play Ret…

Tell him to get on his shaman so you can play thunder

Double shaman sounds awful.

Unholy only acceptable condition.

Tell Nez to roll prev

Never gunna happen lmao.

i would really like to see arms more then fury warrs in areana because if i know i lose i can accept it against a arms warr not a drian dead fury player that spams 2 buttons

Except it does matter as fury is “cranking harder then arms” and other classes are also doing better then arms.

Fury is getting a decent dps nerf and arms is also getting a nerf, a nerf that really doesn’t need to happen.

#5 overall in pve dps is a spec that needs tuning. Just because that kit doesnt transfer over to pvp the same way it does in pve doesnt mean blizz is going to let it stay that way

Not really, we have plenty of dps that stay top 5 for a while.

They really need to nerf frost mage for pvp i mean as melee it is a nightmare against a mid playing frost mage he just presses ice lance and youre to slow to get to him and guess what when youre there he blinks away

It’s already here

give my Arms Warrior his single target pressure back… only weirdos want to Bladestorm every game