Arms needs to be buffed, here are some ways to do it

Bladestorm doesn’t benefit from lust. It has a set in stone interval between WW casts. Lust is the worst time to use it.

because it’s not a PVP spec

Bit late for that bud, you new to the forum?

I hope OP realizes that this isn’t a good idea to ask for

ideally the buff would be something along the lines of a glyph that Increases the damage of mocking blow by 100%, it no longer taunts, and it’s cooldown is reduced to 4 seconds or something - not usable on players.

This would buff arms while not interfering with PVP. If you straight buff arms you will just get arms nerfed after they become too strong in pvp. You don’t want this.

Should happen, won’t happen.

The reality is they made mistakes with balancing changes while claiming to not be making balance changes.

Arms isn’t a pve spec.

Many blue posts by Ghostcrawler from back in the day tell otherwise. If Aggrend says he wants his team to follow original intent, Arms could have a useful place in PVE, even if it isn’t the best choice.

To the OP, the approach to Feral is along the right lines. Increase damage to non-player/non-pet targets only. Top-level dial if possible so as to not mess with abilities. 15% gets it into the middle of pack. Done!

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This was blizzards way of saying “it was designed bad back in the day, we’re leaving it bad now”… and this rogue WILL go from forum to forum to remind us that blizzard is refusing to fix the game. And CANT stand you asking for it to be fixed.

No that’s their way of saying - “We haven’t thought this through at all so we’re going to buff the most OP class in the game due to some sophistry regarding every class necessarily having a dps spec that is used in contemporary raiding”.

Nevermind dk, warrior and druid tanks getting left behind prot paladins to a much larger degree than ret paladins. Never mind people literally character swapping from their resto shaman or druid to a holy paladin just to prog some bosses in Ulduar. Nevermind paladins already being the most represented class in raids even before the buffs.

Buffing arms is a hard sell, and any buff that doesnt effect pve only will be bad for pvp, Unrelenting assault + a dmg increase would just break pvp. Go ahead and buff it tho sounds like fun.

Fix it on the tier set bonus so it will have the least amount of impact on PVP by adding a 5-set bonus.

Examples of a 5-set bonus

  • Sudden Death chance to proc increased by 9%
  • Slam cast time reduced by .5 (talent’d makes it instant)
  • Bladestorm applies: 5 stack sunder, rend, deep wounds and increases damage on bosses.

I mean they basically said those exact words. So yeah. Idk what point you’re trying to make but they actually did say that they want classes to scale like they did in the original version. They explained ret changes very well. The feral ones had great intentions but the outcome was not as desired as we see from the cryapalooza that is the 3 forum warriors. If anything the feral change shows they should touch nothing more.

“Meanwhile all the warriors in 2’s that already dont wear res get stronger”

Glass cannon warrior, dead in a nova.

They didn’t explain it well at all.

They buffed the most OP class in the game and justified it through some loose logic about all classes needing a dps PvE spec.

Paladins should have been relegated to S tier tank and S tier healer. It’s more than most classes get, unbelievable.

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Back in my day there was a saying for this

“This game isn’t balanced around 2s”


Ok? They did but if you can’t read I understand. Cope with it I guess.

I think it would be safer to give fury some love and leave arms alone.

Blizzard blatantly stating “our goal is not to have a balanced game, is not something we should accept, we should be demanding change(crying as you put it). It’s hard to get change tho if every time we ask for it, your inbred behind is in my way on the forums telling me what they did or didn’t say. I KNOW WHAT THEY SAID DOG, that’s the problem, they said they don’t care about anything being balanced. Why fix ret or feral, and not do others.

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I think they should continue with silly changes. The one I’ve seen floated is glyph for mocking blow. Fury wil be fine, not great