Armory Page not Updating for my character

I’ve tried all the suggestions. Obviously there is a bug for this specific character. Please look into this

Grettings Hopelee,

Sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with your profile. Would you be able to provide some additional information, such as are there specific sections of the character profile which appear to be outdated (achievements, raid progression, etc)?


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Hi Maguthul,
I’ve completed almost all the Pet Battle Achievements yet I’m only showing at 4%. Just finished the last dungeon of the Pet Battles and still showing at 4%. The stats on Armory don’t match my achievements ingame. I’m assuming the stats stopped updating at a specific point but I can’t pinpoint where. I’m hoping you will be able to do that.
Hopefully this is the information you require to adjust this situation.

Hey Hopelee!

There is an option in-game found under Game Menu | Interface | Social | Display Only Character Achievements To Others. This option changes how other players see your achievements when your character is inspected in-game. Character profiles on the World of Warcraft website also reflect your preference for this option. If the option is enabled, account-level achievements (such as Pet Battle Achievements) will not be shown.

Can you verify that the option is disabled in-game?

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