How do you qualify for AWC? Is it like whoever sold the most WoW Tokens?
Wait a second… Where are all the ret paladins? I was assured that ret paladins were the most broken thing in the game. DID SOMEONE LIE TO ME?!
Considering some of today’s questionable comp picks, ret pally might have been better than what they went with.
Did both make the top8?
Did you not get your money’s worth?
Demo Warlock hype!
he participated.
Being cancer on ladder means nothing in awc viability
See aff for example
Last one I saw was the first awc in sl and it didn’t win a single game
Called it.
It was pretty cool seeing that Fel Lord come down.
I always thought of it like the RMT ratings / gold websites sending their best employees to a boosting / Piloting convention, and the competition shows witch company has the worlds best boosters.
Same companies that run Gold farming sweat shops in poor countries taking advantage of people.
Funny to see the “op” rets picked by absolutely zero NA awc teams…… after they do a 20-33% burst nerf now they might have a shot in tournament play!!!