Arena is so hilariously bad

I was actually gonna address this but lol

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The :poop:posting will continue until morale improves.

Forget esports, it was genuinely fun.

They let Holinka come back as the head of class design, so it should surprise nobody that PVP is in the crapper.

Getting people into discord for 3’s is the hardest thing rn

(maybe no one likes me)

just sat a ~45 min queue (seems weirdly high for a fire mage) to get a prot pal lobby.

tired of the new premiere game mode

Same, I work full time and my buddies that I used to play with also work full time/are in search of a new job so sadly I just don’t have the time to try and organize 3s/2s. Different timezones also :frowning: at least with shuffle it scratches the pvp itch

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I still play on pvp EQ servers (private ones) to this day

One can only hope.