Arena 2s Fury Warrior counters?

Want to know what does Fury Warrior counters and being countered? Have problem getting Destruction warlock, and DK. Please rank it if possible. thx

I’d say probably counters mages bc can’t be slowed tho relies on healer to dispell root and poly. Maybe also arms warrior, they have more healing plus not being able to be snared they can ranged snare and kite for a while.

DK is a tuffy cuz they have even more self healing than warrior, plus necro absorbs your self healing and all the pets just oopsy-doopsy’s your health.

Destro is harder too because of the roots, but as long as you heroic leap to line during infernal/dark soul you’ll be okay. If you can’t seem to line definitely use your spell reflect for chaos bolt.

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Dk does not have more self healing than fury in 2s lol

I guess potential self healing? Death strike and death pact.

death pact is useless in 2s and death strike is only good into classes that hit really hard

I said potential. I’m no fury warrior or dk expert but I always get my self heals absorbed by necro because I’m usually the kill target.

Then again I only run double dps in 2s.

double dps 2s may be that reason m8