Arena 1,2,3

targeting seems to work better, provide better range and traditional focus targets and other macro. For example if I am use focus CS, the range feels reduced compared to Arena 1,2,3 CS. Also feels like its more responsive and misses less.

Arena 1,2,3 actually allows me to ignore effects like vanish, and in some cases inviz after their execution.

I don’t think that Arena 1,2,3 should provide enhanced function, and perhaps this is working properly and its other target macro that are not working correctly?

I have not meticulously tested this, but only bring it up because when I occasionally utilize focus macro over 1,2,3 I noticed reduced range and function on focus. Even primary target seems to be less effective when VS arena 1,2,3.

Maybe I am crazy, and its just how my keys are bound or something but I swear its giving me more range and better response times than standard targeting / focus targeting; this could all be in my head but its just something I have noticed since the last patch and it feels… strange.