Are you retiring for classic?

My fellow arena enthusiast are you not currently happy with bfa arena? Are you considering hanging up the gloves for classic wow?

I’ll be ignoring classic as though it isn’t even in existence.


I’ll probably play for 2 hours and come back :triumph::triumph::triumph:


I made a character, the nostalgia appeals to me. I like the idea of starting over where everyone is totally even. I like the idea of how leveling is a large part of the game and world of Warcraft emphasizes the world. It certainly feels more immersive and rpgish.

That’s where it stops though. I then realize when LFG was introduced, it was amazing because honestly, the old way sucked. Arenas were awesome and not having them sucks. Bgs still exist and I rarely do them. Modern WoW, despite it flaws, is nicer looking, smoother to play, and just more refined. Classic has nostalgia but I’m not a kid anymore. I simply don’t have time to play all day every day, or even the time to play it always on my “off time.” I’ll probably stick with retail. Retail’s end game is just better and more adult friendly.


Classic has vendors.


Somebody organize some classic 3v3 arenas pls

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Classic will be a nice 1-2 month break from Retail, that’s for sure. :slight_smile:


For now it does. But if you buy the wrong trinket oh boy gg!


Nah classic is way too grindy
rather play single player rpgs than that, if i’m gonna be grinding

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We got to show support for classic if we ever want tbc/wrath.


Nothing to retire from, I’ve not hardcored played in about a year now.

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done with retail and off to a better game.


difference is if you do the grind your set for a very very long time where as retail your gear is meaningless in a reset not to far away.


classic is mad boring


facing Flame Cannon , Gypro , 80k barriers and 1 sec cast time 100k bolts also pretty boring .


CoD 4 remastered was my last nostalgic experience. Honestly, it lasts about a month or two max.

Than you realize how actually trash and waste of time it is.

But then again I don’t have the personality of a person who reads the same novel multiple times over and over.

It’s gonna be great for those people who can do that.

… I dunno, considering how grindy modern WoW has gotten, and how that grind gets you a whole lot of nothing… I feel like Classic might actually feel more reasonable. At least you’ll be rewarded for the work you put in eventually.


Rewarded with what though, better dps on meters and faster newb killing in BG’s? AB, AV, and WSG get old pretty fast.

ill be retiring for the most part, mw in bfa is 0 fun. might come back if 9.0 is any good but i dont have any hope

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Nah. Won’t quit a current grind for an older more slow paced grind.