Are you guys seeing these capstones in the class tree?

Call of the elements + its modifier, ancestral guidance, and the choice between 2 useless totems.

VERY exciting capstones. BEST designed class tree I hear.

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i’ve definitely posted about it.

some fanboy came up and claims the class tree is a “masterpiece” because some youtuber said so


The only reason our capstones will be bad is if we are behind other classes in DPS. If we’re not, then not having DPS or throughput capstones is a GOOD thing because that leaves so much room to choose what we want/need.


I think some people really need to get away from the idea that you HAVE to take capstones.

I think we have potential for very interesting builds that take loads of talents in the first and second tier but very few of the capstone abilities


Imagine not understanding that by having dps/throughput captstones they would become mandatory, locked in talents…

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idk who you are talking to but if its @ me. Show me where I ever claimed I wanted dps/throughput capstones. Never said that. I just want cool, fun, compelling well designed capstones that players can be excited about getting. If you look at the capstones of basically every other class, its really embarrassing if you are still defending the shaman one’s.

Monk has three statues, two of which will never be taken in all but the most niche of circumstances. Grow up.

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What are you talking about? In PvP, a windwalker monk will take both the statues on the left and middle. That being said, I find it interesting you chose monk, maybe the 1 other class that has unexciting capstones (which they have also given feedback on). Finally, the “grow up” comment is real rich considering you are the only one in this thread acting childish and getting pissy.

I guess I could go the route “They are bad cause some forum poster said so”

Sure. The most experienced, and well respected shaman in the entire game like em. The ones that push the highest of all content, and will write the guides everyone will follow. Cause they know their stuff.

But they have nothing on you.


Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Rogue… all have lackluster capstones. It takes a couple seconds to find complaints about them all… I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you wouldn’t need it explained to you in toddler level detail.

anyone who knows the shaman class, would realize “call of the elements” and its sequel are extremely weak capstone talents by design. Thus they need improvement, or get changed completely.

Only the clueless blindly follow the comments of “well-known players”.

Considering that nearly every other rando popping up to make vague complaints about the class tree sucking has been wanting them to be full of dps talents, you can understand the assumption.

Especially when you then go on to say:

Nearly every other class’s class tree capstones are throughput cooldowns or their buffs. So if that’s not what you’re arguing for, then what are you?

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Who claims they are strong capstones?

who asked for your input?


You are saying your voice is more important than known good and experienced players.

Then you implied they claimed something I have never seen.

This is called a conversation. Is your goal that people who disagree with you just not participate?

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it’s a simple question. who asked for your input?

I did.

Next part of the conversation?

Or is this where you just keep deflecting and hope we forget your comments?

PS. At this point I have absolutely no clue what point you are trying to make. Other than making up things about people who like the over all trees.


good. keep talking to yourself.

Let me start by saying I’m actually really excited for the new talent trees - even the Class talent trees. I can appreciate that the majority of the talents are utility of some sort. That said, I’m not a fan of most of the T8-10 talents.

Mana Spring
I actually appreciate that the Dragonflight version of Mana Spring requires active upkeep - using Lava Burst in conjunction with Stormstrike (Enhancement) or Riptide (Resto) is kind of cool… but the amount of mana restored is … terrible.

With the cooldowns involved, it restores 200 mana every 45 sec, It maxes out around 500 if you get enough lucky procs and haste. This provides enough mana for a single heal for the caster every 6 minutes with high haste and lots of procs… That’s just bad. Doubling, or even tripling the mana recovery would make this much more viable.

Ancestral Guidance
This is probably the one capstone that’s half worth taking in most builds. I haven’t played that one yet, so it’s hard to say how it impacts a group exactly. While not directly comparable for various reasons, I feel like this is still incredibly weak compared to the Druid’s Nature’s Vigil spell, which lasts 30 seconds, heals for 20%, and has a 90 sec CD, which gives it effectively a 33% uptime - this means that if used on CD it effectively gives 6.6% of all damage done in an extended encounter as healing to a nearby target. By contrast, AG has an 8% uptime if used on CD, giving it an effective 2% healing based on all damage done. That’s severely underwhelming for the Shaman version of two extremely similar capstone talents. <1/3 the power, just as deep in the tree.

Thunderstorm, Thundershock, Lightning Lasso
I’m putting these under a single header as the three of them feel like a shared grouping that needs some figuring out. I feel like the choice node shouldn’t be between Thundershock and Lightning Lasso, but between Thunderstorm and Thundershock. As it stands, Elemental/Resto can get Thunderstorm and Lightning Lasso, while Enhancement can only effectively get Thundershock. This seems to only punish Enhancement players.

Stoneskin Totem
This is one of our better totems. 50% uptime with 10% incoming damage reduction is 5% overall damage reduction - worth the point cost, especially if you hang out in melee range all the time like I do, but still a little lackluster as talents go. In all honesty, while it’s not as interesting as Ancestral Guidance, by the numbers it may be a better talent.

Tranquil Air Totem
And this one falls apart. I don’t think there are many, if any, situations where this will be better than Stoneskin Totem.

Poison Cleansing Totem
I appreciate getting access to a cleanse we didn’t have before… this still feels a little soft this deep in the tree.

Totemic Projection
Honorable mention, since this is a T7 talent. I know this isn’t as deep in the tree, but it’s a rough talent. Most totems are short enough duration that they don’t really need to be relocated, even in highly mobile fights. It may be worthwhile if it also refreshed the durations of the totems, but I don’t think we’re likely to see that.

Surging Shields
This doesn’t seem like a terrible talent for solo gameplay, but it’s pretty uninteresting for group gameplay. Especially since Call of the Elements, its attached talent, is heavily steeped in group gameplay. It might be more useful if it allowed non-melee damage to proc Lightning Shield, since a good deal of AoE damage hitting us in dungeons isn’t melee. Alternatively, let’s see those shields really surge… For every 5 seconds our shield orbs aren’t triggered on ourselves (not on external targets, in the case of Earth Shield), increase the effect of the shield by 50% (Lightning Shield), 15% (Earth Shield), or 5% for Water Shield. Max of 20 stacks (After 100 seconds, this would still not hit as hard as a single lightning bolt, heal more than a single Healing Surge, or restore more mana than getting hit twice, but would create a much more effective surge - big effects, but only if we’re not getting hit often.

Call of the Elements
This can work with: Capacitor, Tremor, Wind Rush, Healing Stream, Mana Spring, Poison Cleansing, Cloudburst, Liquid Magma Totem, and Earthbind Totems… which sounds neat until you see the 3 minute cooldown on it. I’m not sure (effectively) a second charge on a single totem (2 with an extra talent point) every 3 minutes is really all that worth the points this deep (2 minutes with a different extra talent point). This could be much more effective if it doubled either the duration or effect of your next totem instead, but even that feels a little soft to me. I’m not sure what the solution is to make this triad of talents feel relevant. I can’t think of a good reason to take them, personally. I suspect it has some kind of use with Capacitor or Earthbind in PVP, but that’s not really my area, so I don’t have a strong opinion on that.

Interesting way to back out of a conversation.

I accept your surrender.

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