I don’t get this. I’m on a PvE server and haven’t really seen this yet. I assumed a more alliance heavy server met shorter wait times. Is this an issue specific to horde heavy pvp servers?
I agree with you that there are addons that do just what you claim.
This isn’t that though.
I am 100% fine with them breaking whatever addons you think exist that result in long queue times for horde that prohibit your ability to premade.
We queue with 400 random people than organize ourselves into the same discord. Nothing is stopping horde from doing that too
Do you have any proof? Are you willing to come onto my discord server to debate?
Keep lying to yourself. You expect people from PVE servers to queue as much as players from PVP servers? If so, you lack common sense. Horde is the dominant faction on the absolute majority of PVP servers. And thus, unsurprisingly, horde has queues and Ally does not.
You can utilize mental gymnastics to fake excuses for your OP racial zerg faction choice as much as you want. But that won’t shorten your queues by a single second. If you want a premade, reroll alliance. If you want OP racials, get rekt by ally premades. Your call.
If I could “reroll my horde toon to a pve server” I would in a heartbeat. I have np leveling
Yea guys, this is what you get for playing the race you choose.
These forum are like a family. First it’s the little guy (alliance) crying about unfair wpvp balance.
Then it’s the little girl (horde) crying about alliance taking the best out of the situation they’re in and making premades in bgs
So let’s examine PVP racials:
Orc Stun Resist - LOL, never happens when you need it to. Can’t trigger it. But, it’s decent enough.
Tauren Warstomp - okay. I mean, it. It’s just okay
Undead - WOTF is pretty nice, not gonna lie. It’s probably the only one that makes any actual pvp difference.
Dwarf - Stoneform - awesome
Gnome - Escape Artist - awesome
Human - Perception - great on rogues/druids…especially if a human rogue. But, otherwise, just sort of meh.
Night elf - improved stealth, again…meh.
So, that’s two races on both factions with REALLY good PVP traits. Stop. Just stop.
The Horde can not do this because it can take 15+ minutes for the Q to pop and when we try we’re never in the same group after that long of a wait. And after waiting that long, we’re not going to leave and retry again and wait again.
The issue is it does not work for horde. Since bgs were released I have been able to get into ONE av with my wife. I remember back in the day being able to queue together in voice chat with a high success rate. It doesn’t work now.
The Horde can not do this because it can take 15+ minutes for the Q to pop and when we try we’re never in the same group after that long of a wait. And after waiting that long, we’re not going to leave and retry again and wait again.
This is the entire situation summed up for what it is.
Do you honestly think 30+ alliance all on discord working together would actually lose to a group of uncoordinated horde? Lol
If you believe anything that you said, you lack common sense. Also, lol @ op racials.
Do ally really honestly still believe that?
Says the orc with 90% stun resist
I have proof of my claims. Seems like you do not. And nice dodge about coming into my discord.
Thanks for the laugh with my morning coffee. Now it’s time for me to make your year’s pay in a week. Enjoy your day!
how is it possible that there are more alliance complaining in this thread then there are horde? amazin
Uh, yes it is. My girlfriend used it all weekend. She was in a few different discords and would use it to queue with her guild, then they would let others know what BG popped, then the people from other servers would change channels/discords to coordinate.
No, I know exactly why we can’t premade but there is no fixing the issue of faction imbalance. The question was whether Blizzard had any plans to either stop the alliance from premading or make a change to allow us to do the same.
Everyone here seems to be against either of these things. I can only imagine why. They must want to continue fighting uncoordinated pugs with their full premades. If I’m being honest, I would too. But I’d like to hear Blizzard’s view on the issue.
You mean the 2.5% extra chance I have?
Everyone has a flat 10% stun resist. Orcs get an additional 25%. That’s 2.5%, for a total of 12.5%.
That’s how that works. I’m going to just pretend you knew that and were trying to be funny.
No, I know exactly why we can’t premade but there is no fixing the issue of faction imbalance
10 char
pvp happened on a pvp scenario
perhaps you made the wrong game choice?
how about pve?
perhaps reroll?
or maybe go retail?
have you tried go 40v10 ? ohhh wait