Are You Feeling Cute?

Just out of curiosity I made this 'feeling cute" as joke i have been noticing these “feeling cute” memes popping up everywhere on FB WoW page and other places.

Excuse my ignorance but what started this whole "feeling cute: thing?

Ghouls are anything but cute…

The heck is wrong with your profile picture?


im adorable

I can’t put my picture here

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I’m not cute.

not after seeing that adorable face, me ugly :sob::sob:

The universal expression of every female when she knows she’s more than just “cute.”

You wear it well.


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No. You should get your eyes checked out.


I don’t feel cute.

Not one Sunwell-darned minute. :rage:!AiiYFpfkLUK-ggX2d-TJ2aLcSv9R?e=DmTsSr

Lich, I’m adorable.

Luckily not.

I am not cute. It is a fact. I am practical and efficient.

Your eyes are stretched at odd angles across your face.

well I think you’re cute :heart:

That’s not logical. I am a purple evolved troll.

Feeling cute. Might Keelhaul some landlubbers? IDK?

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