Are you being trolled: The E-you and the EU

are you from the EU?

i am your forums are superior.

u would actually pay $15 to use our forums?

you dont need sub to use these forums, no idea how it works i have sub in eu.

I just went to see if I could post on EU forums never tried.

" You need a level 10 character to post on the forums. If you need help with an account or technical issue, contact Blizzard Support."

So guess you only need a sub on one, can get free trials to 10 right?

Will all the oily nerds over in the EU region, maybe we should go to their forums en masse and introduce them to freedom and violent capitalism.


There is no freedom on European forums,mods are special,spam reporting cult there.
Forums are dead and there are agendas pushed there.


World famous for the most awful food.

A very relevant thread in the modern posting climate.

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Here comes one now!

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2 reasons:

  1. People realized that Blizzard gives a s**t about EU and ignoring EU Forum

  2. Therefore EU forum is dead because everyone uses the “real” forum.

I never understood why there are multiple forums anyway. LoL also had just one Forum and it worked.

EU containment, which has obviously failed in recent months

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I don’t even understand where your hatred of Europeans comes from.

We talk about the same game, same topics.
So what’s your problem?

I bet if Blizzard would close US forum and would only use EU forum, you would be the first one posting there.

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I figured the thread would make this an obvious answer.

Implying that only EU citizens make Trollposts is more than stereotyping.

In fact (and I don’t say this with anger, it’s just what i recognized):

I don’t see more troll posts from anyone on this forum than from you.
It’s almost as if you are greedy for attention, whether negative or positive.

Most other people make posts about the game you make (mostly provocating and cynical) posts about other people and nonsense all day long.

You don’t use this forum as game forum but as your afternoon pastime.

And you’re probably enjoying it right now that someone is paying attention to you again.


Go back to EU forums.

You just need a free US Test Acc that you can connect to your EU acc and a lvl 10 character.

That’s why we can’t use our mains as profile.

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No askers.

You kinda were, by saying they pay more for their currency just to post. When infact they dont. You’re a bit of a goof

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America took all the good things from abroad and made it our own. (pasta, Asian chicks, firearms, etc.) We no longer need other countries to exist. Kick them all out of WoW.