Are warriors bad right now?

Hey, my name is mud. I have come seeking help. I wanted to hear from the people on the forums what they think about the current state of warriors atm. Do you think they are bad or good rn??
My personal opinion is that they are fine but other classes are just better. It feels really hard to find qs when people would just rather play with a destro fire mage or sin rogue.
I would also like to hear some possible changes blizzard could do to warriors to make them a bit better (If you think they need help)
Just to show some numbers there are currently only 6 warriors in rank 1. While there are 28 mages, 25 warlocks and 30 rogues.

ty :slight_smile:

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Idk warrior gameplay is fine. I think people take the path of least resistance. Warrior is strong in this meta. Just sin rogue, fire mage, and destro lock are easier and there is less accountabilty with those classes. There is one problem with warrior really.

They really need to change the way warrior damage is done and move to global based damage instead of monkey brain bleeds.


Idk I feel as if they’re extremely under rated which in turns leads to the usual suspects being taken over them but there really isn’t much to love about someone taking 20% less dmg whilst passively doing 30k worth of deep wounds with an ms sprinkled on top :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


yeah the numbers dont lie
putting things in perspective, there are 15 arms warriors above 2700 in the US region
compare that to a population of 330 million, thats only 0.0000455%
by comparison, the odds of becoming a victim of being struck by lightning is about 1 in 700,000

arms clearly needs buffs


I think they’re going to be a great state in shadowlands with all the utility they are getting, as well as much of the playstyle being moved from deep wounds bleeds to harder hitting dmg

They’re a good class right now on live they just are a tier below the usual suspects. Completely viable

At the same time, in the right comp and in certain matchups they are really really strong


Warriors have all the tools necessary to compete at the top right now. However, they are miserable to play. There’s 15 warriors in the top 600 players, and it’s not because warrior is bad. It’s not fun.


if u wanna play warrior just go assa rogue

u still get mortal strike effect, u get baseline 6 sec stun on a way shorter cd than war stun, u basically get charge with shadowstep, your evasion is better than parry, and on a shorter cd, you have an instant cast ranged snare/ms that doesnt require any rage buildup. etc etc


Warrior is good, just think there are a lot of better specs - and they are many that are easier to succeed with.

The bigger problem is warrior just isn’t fun to play. Mastery changing should really help in this department come shadowlands.


I’ve been playing warrior as an alt for around 4 expansions now and i stopped in BFA. The rotation is extremely boring for both fury and arms.

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This isn’t how statistics work


This should be an interesting thread lol…


Don’t forget, our region also has OCE and South America, and Canada.

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going to get a lot of “but no self-healing” victims in here


why not?

Are you just trolling in this thread?

:thinking: Nani??!!

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This is exactly how statistics work, it’s just not applicable here.


Now who is arguing semantics

Me, because you said something that is easily proven as incorrect. Enjoy.


Worst feelings right now as warrior are the games where the rogue/ww/dh just plays the game during their goes and you do ok defusing those goes but your ability to force them to sit there and take damage during and after is ZERO so they eventually just win CD trading without your team having a chance to win on momentum or mana which are seemingly the only win conditions for every warrior comp I’ve played this season
I could just suck though, that’s definitely not every game

SL changes look huge, think they’re good enough that I don’t feel a need to ask for anything else