They’re already working on it, it’s just a large effort to coordinate cross server while still trying to maintain your own guild responsibilities in the current climate of the game.
There have been a lot of artifacts left in the game due to the retail client, so I too think this was a mistake - I still see it having little to no impact on the majority.
The people who actually play this game for the love of PVP and not for the honor are such a small minority.
Just another unauthentic vanilla experience added. R.I.P.
In before ‘Quing as a premade group will now put you into the wargames que. This is a change to reduce the need on honor farming premades of having to form thousands of lvl 1 chars to kill over and over again - you want to rank, solo q is now the only way of playing for honor, good luck’
Imagine the outrage!