Are Vulpera actually a rat race or fox?

they are fennec foxes


That’s what I am like! Sometimes I’m physically cat so I guess that doesn’t count.

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Angels: Hey um. Dad? We got this thing that lives in the desert. How do we make sure it doesn’t overheat?
Angels: …okay fine I guess

Fox. :fox_face: Get outta here with this Rat non sense.

Oh man, this is magic. Out of likes, so have this :blue_heart:

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God’s angels dad?!

Hey now. Rats are cute

Seriously look at 2:33 onward with this good chonk eating his greens then getting confused


Nu uh… no way… don’t like those vermons :rat:

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I used to have rats and one of them would always sit on my shoulder

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All I know is I can never tell what gender they are. It’s very awkward when I RP on horde and that happens.


Fun balls of mortal diseases.


Some rats are cute others are terrifying and gross and give me the eebie jeebies.

They are in the Devilman universe so it stuck in my brain

Same. I’d bathe mine as a little kid and they made fun pets.

Their fleas are often the carriers. Not the rats.

This is actually true. You’ve gotta look real close at our faces to be really sure, as sometimes our clothes do a good job of hiding it.

Gotta love the chill moments with a rat. Some are bundles of energy that never sit still. The girls are usually the hyper ones while the boys are lazy

My favourite pet was my hedgehog.
Not as playful but adorable to watch run around and everyone wanted to hold him

probably a rat race and finest rugs you can get.

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My best friend freaking loves hedgehogs. Their little snorts can be cute

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