Are they ever gonna address the peons?

For the orcs, it is just because blizzard decided to design all male orcs as peons.

All male orcs that still have a hunched back, are peons.

bring back foreman margrok


Goblin Philsopher Karly Marks and her ultimate treatise on the evils of Inherited Nobility and Wealth in both Orgrimmar AND Stormwind, “The Capitals.”


Unironically, it would’ve made more sense if the Goblins part of the Horde were a Union and the Gallywix character were a Marx+Gobachev metaphor instead of a Robber Baron metaphor

Thrall accepting what is essentially a slave cartel into the Horde made zero narrative sense and also didn’t age well.


Imagine, if you will, full raids for our shorter friends: The Azshara General Strike, and Final Reclamation of Gnomeregan

Something cool and triumphant that lets gnomes and goblins be treated as something other than a joke, that would have been nice

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Everything to do with Goblins can’t age well by virtue of them being seen as comic relief by a narrative which doesn’t like applying it’s sense of morality across the board.

It’s like in BfA where the Goblins get mass-slaughtered and it’s treated like a joke rather than some horrifying act. And the worst part, the joke goes across both-ways.

Goblin lives literally don’t matter to anyone, not even goblins themselves. Half of the time when you kill them, they give a “funny” line about how they’re going to be late to work or whatever.

Yet the story still tries to paint similar other acts against humans/orcs/trolls/etc as reprehensible.

The “haha that’s funny” material they throw into Goblins is fine if the game doesn’t try to take itself too seriously but it’s hard to take anything they say seriously when the last quest I did was about a goblin asking if he’s going to get paid after I set on fire.


I was talking more about the larger narrative, and how this is one narrative thread that was incoherent for Thrall as a Faction Leader.


Oh yeah it’s obviously bad, especially since Org goblins already had a hero figure from 3 who was “neutral” (but considered horde-friendly enough through Cata to get hit by alliance privateering somehow)

Incidentally for the subject, hopefully the next world revamp can make Westfall and Durotar more interesting on that front (but do I trust the writers?)

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Oh, yeah. my bad.


I remember at the time thinking Thrall was trying to be respectful of Goblin culture without actually understanding Goblin culture, like Gallywix is the richest and he exploited everyone and thus the Goblins would respect him, which isn’t the most unreasonable assumption given how some Goblins admire dirty dealers as long as they’re successful. Of course we know they all hate his guts because Goblin culture is not a monolith and moreover these particular Goblins were his victims and thus did not “gotta hand it to him,” and Thrall was too ignorant to understand that. In reality it was really just bad writing.

I’ve also always seen something of a larger metaphor for the Bilgewater Cartel vis a vis Economic Liberalism, ie that they represent unchecked capitalism and the Horde represents a state regulatory scheme which keeps it in check and harnesses it for the greater good. The Goblins continually try to screw the Horde over with substandard war machines and hedonistic profiteering due to wartime conditions in Cata questing, and the response of the Orcs is generally to crack their skulls until they do it right, and the result is a more modern and prosperous Horde. In that metaphor Gallywix is the perfect person to lead the Goblins within the Horde, especially because nobody will be upset, including Goblin players, when he gets smacked around until he does his job right.

All that being said I much prefer the current direction Goblins are going with a greater emphasis on Union labor, positive entrepreneurship over slimy unethical scheming, and a leader who’s not a total d-bag.

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The real issue with trying to undermine Gallywix is that the player character was a Gallywix-esque character, the only difference is that Gallywix had an advantage over you and leveraged it to enslave you when the mountain was about to explode.

My favorite story of Cata/MOP expanded on Gallywix having more positive character traits like seeing his people as tools but he won’t throw them away for no reason, being the one who finally stood up to Garrosh in an bad timeline, etc.

However, that was all undermined by BfA just preferring caricatures and just taking into consideration the initial Cataclysm questing experience rather than everything that came after.

They even went further beyond by making it so Kezan exploding was directly his fault and Deathwing was just a happy coincidence scapegoat.

Now he’s replaced with Gazlowe, something else who was extremely grimy and dirty but was washed up and given a spiffy new shine to be presented during Mechagon as a replacement.

It doesn’t sit right with me how blatant it was an attempt to clean up the race.

They could’ve just done what they did with the Goblin heritage where the Bilgewater renegotiate their contract with Gallywix and have increased living conditions rather than just replacing him outright.


The Void elf leader talks a big game about worker exploitation… except his big contribution to BFA was murdering workers for the benefit of an alliance of Monarchies and Theocracies.

Realistically though such a character would basically have to be Horde or Neutrally aligned, since the Alliance’s component kingdoms are very strongly socially stratified (except the gnomes). On the Horde side it’s basically just the Zandalari that have outright castes at this point.

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Are peons born or bred?

If its a hereditary condition that peons will always be peons then does that mean in the internment camps there were peons that the rest of the orcs bother to free and save?

Kind of surprising considering their treatment.

I believe that Peons are just the orcs who aren’t physically or mentally able to be warriors or hunters, and not spiritually able to be Shamans (or warlocks).

I don’t think there’s any reason why the new horde or old would have left them behind.

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